Chapter Two

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Toby's P.O.V.

When I open my eyes, I'm immediately blinded by a bright light and I quickly close them. My mouth feels so dry, I instantly lick my lips to moisten them, only to falter as my tongue reaches the gashed hole in the side of my face. I slowly re-open my eyes, only to find myself in an unfamiliar room.

The walls are brown, and chipping every now and again. Beside a bed, the room is completely empty. The bed I'm lying in is covered in dust, and I'm also in a black turtle neck, and a striped hoodie. On the bedside table I see my mouth guard and goggles. I try to get up, only to fall on the floor. I look to my feet and see a pair of cuffs on that I didn't notice before. There's a rusty nail under the bed so I try and pull it out, but it stays without moving an inch. I angle my hands and use more force. I holt back as the nail comes out, and I smile triumphantly. I sit back up, and reach for my goggles and glasses, only then noticing a small cut on my palm that I received from my rusty nail. I ignore it however, and put on my mask and glasses. Once my gash is covered, I can start to relax a bit.

I just sit here and wait for someone to come in. As more time passes, I get more nervous. My ticks get really bad and I'm twitching every ten seconds. I hear footsteps near the door, and listen intently to the sound. They stop right in front of the door.

I hear the door nob jiggle, and it opens, revealing a boy, one or two years older than me. I take an immediate notice to his face, with its leather like skin, so pale it looks white. I take in more of his features, like his dark blue eyes, and the charred skin around them. He walks in and I finally notice the bloody smile he sports on his lips. He grunts at me, before walking over to me and removing the cuffs on my feet.

"Let's go" he says. I raise my eyebrow and ask;


"Can't tell you. Slenderman's orders." He says as he pulls me to my feet, and leads me to a creepy looking door. He looks hesitant, almost nervous, to knock. Taking this as an opportunity to impress him, I knock for him. His eyes widen, if that's possible, and curses under his breath.

"Your on your own kid." The boy tells me, before running off somewhere. I sigh, and just wait for the door to open. It does eventually, and reveals a large office room. On one end, was a large desk, with a faceless man sitting behind it. The faceless man. The one that ruined my life. I immediately run at him, using a broken rusty nail and stab his head. I move so fast he can't dodge. His head gets pushed to an abnormal angle, with the nail centering his forehead, or what should be his forehead, but it soon returns to normal. A very thin line of black goop oozes from the wound and as it heals itself, the nail falls out of his head and down with a soft clink. I step back, scared shitless, and turn my head. Looking around I see there are two boys. One, is in a yellow hoodie, and wearing a ski mask that has a red frowning face stitched in. The other boy, has on an orange/tan jacket with a white mask, decorated with black feminine features.

"Ah Toby. Your finally here I see." The man behind the desk says, or rather thinks, paying no mind to the fact that I just previously stabbed him. I assume he is the Slenderman that the boy was talking about earlier. I say nothing, as if I didn't hear him in the first place. He continues on anyways.

"Well, this is Hoodie," he says and points to the one wearing the yellow hoodie. "And this, is Masky," he points to they man wearing the white mask.

"Masky, take Toby and introduce him to the people in this house. After that, come find me about mission pair ups. That's all." Then he....pops....out. Almost like he's using teleportation. I turn back to the two boys waiting for someone to show me around.

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