"Beth?" I groan out. "Do you think I could have a drink?"

"Yeah! Sure, I'll uh be right back." Beth said cheerfully before going down to the kitchen.

I struggled to get out of bed, using anything I could find for support, and made my way to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't see myself. I saw a walking pile of shit.

I'm caked with dirt and walker blood, not to mention, some of Carl's. It's absolutely disgusting. I don't even remember the last time I changed clothes.

"Cherokee?" Beth's voice calls out.

"I'm in here." I stutter and open the door to the bathroom showing her where I'm at.

"You shouldn't be up." She says almost like a playful scolding.

"I'm sorry, I just," I pause looking for the right words. "I don't know, I've just never been the kind of person to sit on my ass all day."

"Better not let my daddy catch you sayin things like that." She smiles. "And that's why I'm here, I hope I can at least cure some of your boredom."

"Ya got a lot to cure then." I laugh. "I've been bored since this whole thing started. Playing cards can only get you so far."

"I'll trust you on that one." She smiles. Beth seems nice, too innocent for all the shit that's going on outside. "Do you want a book or something?"

"Nah, I'll probably just sleep." I say stumbling towards the bed. "I got a hell' of a headache."

"Alright, I'll tell my dad, get some rest." She says helping me get settled into bed.

"Thanks Beth," I say smiling gently. "For everything."

She simply nods and leaves me alone in the room. I sigh and stare at the wall until I drift off to sleep once again.


"Dad!" I whisper harshly as I look outside our cabin, seeing that there are multiple 'things' that are out there. But instead of my dad responding, it's Grandpa Will, I cringe.

"Cherokee! Are you stupid?" He says roughly pulling me away from the window. "Get away from there!"

"I'm sorry, I heard noises and I-" I'm cut off, Will's hand slapping me.

"No excuses," he snaps. "They make you weak."

"I'm sorry." I say once again.

"Stop apologizing! Your starting to sound like a pussy!" He yells attracting more noise from outside. He takes a swig from his bottle before smashing it on the ground, we could've used that for water.

"Why'd you do that!" I yell. "We could've used that for something!"

"Get outta my sight girl." He says shoving me to the back of our cabin. I glare behind me at the monster of a man. He doesn't deserve to be alive.

"Go to hell old man." I mumble trudging to my dad and I's shared room. He must be on a hunt, he's gonna have a hard time getting back in. Instead of just sitting on my ass, I decide to see if Merle is still here. I quietly sneak out of the room and towards Merle's.

"Merle?" I knock quietly on his door signaling he better be decent and open the door covering my eyes. "You better be decent or I'm feeding you too the walkers."

Cherokee Roses {Daryl Dixon's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now