Practice Room

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They only sound to be heard in the practice room was the squeaking of shoes on polished wood and the heavy panting of a clearly exhausted eighteen-year-old boy by the name of Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook had been practicing the same dance move for what felt like forever but he couldn't seem to get it quite right. He was getting frustrated which just made everything worse and he had been practicing for hours after the others left trying to perfect their newest dance for their song Fire. Normally he would have perfected it before any of the others excluding Hoseok who seemed to be able to copy a dance perfectly after seeing it once. But today nothing seemed to be going how he wanted it, first of all he'd woken up with a sore throat (which he didn't tell any of the others about because he knew they would try to make him stay back the dorm all day) then Yoongi snapped at him when he accidentally tripped and knocked the older boys coffee over (he wasn't usually so clumsy but he'd hardly slept the previous night and was just really tired) and now he couldn't seem to get any of the dance moves right.

Finally, after another hour, the exhaustion got to him and he stumbled and fell landing hard on the floor. He managed to soften his fall by rolling as he hit the ground so he didn't actually hurt himself; he just ended up on his back staring at the ceiling trying to catch his breath. He lay there for a couple of minutes before he hauled himself to his feet and stood there for a few seconds swaying slightly and nearly falling when he tried to take a step forward. He managed to stumble over to the mirrored wall and slumped against it pulling his knees up to his chest and resting his head on the top of them. As he sat there all alone in the practice room the events of the day and the exhaustion of the past few weeks seemed to catch up to him and he could feel tears pricking his eyes. He didn't bother to wipe the tears as they slid down his cheeks and seeped into the material of his pants, and he also didn't bother holding in the sob that rose from his chest, he did muffle it with his hand though not wanting to alert anyone who might still be in the building of his state. And so all alone in the cold practice room Jungkook cried, tears of exhaustion and anger, anger at himself for not being able to get the dance right and being so clumsy that morning, anger at Yoongi for snapping at him when it really was just an accident and anger at the world in general for being so harsh and unforgiving.

And that was how Taehyung found him when, about ten minutes later, he opened the door having noticed the maknaes absence at the dorm and guessing that he was still practicing. Upon seeing Jungkook sobbing into his hands he rushed over and crouched down next to the younger boy.

"Hey, Kookie what's the matter?" He asked gently stroking the boy's soft hair.

"H-hyung?" Jungkook asked in surprise lifting his head from his hands, not having heard Taehyung come in.

Taehyung's heart nearly shattered when Jungkook looked up and he clearly saw the emotions flickering across his face along with being able to see his tear-stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes.

"Kookie what's the matter?" He asked again concern evident in his voice and written all over his face.

"I-I-i ju-just can't s-see-seem to d-do a-a-anything right" the younger boy choked out between hiccups and sobs.

"What do you mean, love?" Taehyung asked.

"W-well this m-morning I s-spilled Y-Yoongi hyung's c-c-coffee an-and I-I can't g-get a-any of t-the d-dance r-r-right" Jungkook sobbed out

Taehyung moved forward scooping the younger boy into his arms and started rubbing soothing patterns onto his back.

"Oh Kookie-ah it's okay, Yoongi hyung was just stressed out about Jimin, you know he's been worrying about him not eating properly and I'm sure you'll get the dance right you just need to try again after you've had some proper rest. I'll help you if you'd like, I haven't gotten it perfected yet but we can practice together, just the two of us, okay?"

Jungkook was silent for a bit before: "okay, t-thank you hyung"

"It's alright, love" Taehyung replied with a small smile and leaned down to kiss Jungkook's forehead lightly causing the other to smile, just a small smile but a smile.

They stayed like that until Jungkook had calmed down fully and when he had Taehyung suggested going back to the dorm and getting some sleep, Jungkook nodded tiredly at that and let Taehyung haul him to his feet. The boys slowly walked to the door, a bit stiff from sitting on the wooden floor for so long, and opened it stepping out and starting their journey back to the dorm. They arrived fifteen minutes later both yawning with Jungkook curled into Taehyung's side and Taehyung's arm around his boyfriend's waist. The others were asleep so the two boys quietly made their way towards their room. The managed not to trip over anything and arrived safely at their open bedroom door. They slipped inside quickly and shut the door softly behind them before stripping down to their boxers and sliding into bed.

"Thank you for earlier hyung" Jungkook whispered as they lay in the dark curled up in each other's arms.

"Anytime, love" Taehyung replied kissing him gently "anytime"

They both fell into a comfortable silence broken only by their soft breaths as they slowly slipped in dreamland.

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