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Jungkook sighed and rolled over in his bed, he'd been trying to get to sleep for the past hour but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Why can't I sleep? He thought to himself

But the truth was he knew exactly why he couldn't sleep. He missed Taehyung. Don't get him wrong he was extremely proud of the older boy and was happy that his acting career was going well but that didn't stop him from missing his hyung with all his heart when he was away filming. During the day, he would push all thoughts about missing Taehyung to the back of his mind and instead focus completely on practicing and trying to pretend like he was doing fine. It seemed to work and no one ever questioned him about it but when, after a long day in the practice room, he would fall into bed all of those thoughts would come flooding into his mind and he would spend hours lying awake unable to sleep without Taehyung there to hold him and sing to him.

The other members weren't stupid and it didn't take them long to noticed that their usually happy and energetic maknae now barely talked unless someone asked him a question. And they didn't miss the circles under the young boy eyes that seemed to get bigger and darker every day and took more and more concealer to cover. But they all thought it was just stress over their comeback which was approaching very quickly. None of them noticed that Jungkook had started eating less or that he was spending more time practicing than any of them rest of them sometimes staying up till four or five in the morning.

Jungkook knew it wasn't healthy but he couldn't help it if he didn't do something to take his mind of Taehyung the thoughts that swarmed his head at night would consume him. He knew that if he spent too much time doing nothing the horrible feeling of missing Taehyung would overcome him and he would break.

So here he is lying awake staring at the ceiling willing his body to sleep, to let him escape from reality for even just a few hours, but no matter how much he wanted it, sleep evaded him. The thoughts in his head teased him letting him nearly drift off and then ripping him harshly away from the warm, comforting clutches of sleep and thrusting him back into harsh reality, filling his body with an empty feeling of longing, and pain.

He was still wide awake two hours later when his alarm went off and the other occupants of the dorm started waking up one by one and getting ready for the day. Jungkook was so lost in thoughts that morning that he didn't notice the other members whispering together and when Jin walked over to him and gently shook his shoulder he nearly jumped out of his skin in fright.

"It's just me Jungkookie-ah," the older boy said with a small smile.

"Sorry hyung I was lost in thought" he apologized not returning the smile.

"That's alright, I was just coming to tell you that Jimin and I are going out for a walk and we want you to come with us" Jin explained.

Jungkook nodded not able to find it in himself to argue and got up to grab his shoes.

"Where are we going hyung?" He asked as he pulled them on.

"We're just going to walk around a little bit, get some fresh air" Jin replied and Jungkook nodded again.

Jin called Jimin over and the three of them left quickly.

After about ten minutes of walking the ended up at the top of some old stairs and Jimin said something to Jin that Jungkook couldn't hear. The older boy nodded and gestured for Jungkook to go on ahead. He did so without hesitation figuring that Jin had some sort of reason. It was only when he got to the bottom of the stairs that Jungkook realized that they were in an underground train station, one that wasn't very popular judging by the fact that there were only a few groups of people milling around. The dark haired boy looked over his shoulder at his hyungs in confusion only to see them talking to a young girl, obviously a fan, and not paying him any attention. He sighed quietly and turned just in time to see a train pull up and people start to file off.

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