Better off without

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Helen and I followed the roads until we finally reached the city of Atlanta. Cars parked in the middle of the streets and some turned over, some spilling smoke while flames begin to swallow it whole. We looked into the windows of a store and the "monsters" greeted us with a not so welcome looking way. Their growls and moans sounded like no other person, they slid their fingers down the thick glass that held them back from eating us alive.

We continued on until we reached a shop, it looked almost untouched, if covered in blood counts as untouched. We walked in and scurried through the supplies.  I picked up a kit of kitchen knives and tucked it in my bag and then grabbed a few can foods and water bottles. "Lets move" my mom said in a hurry and left the store without even looking back , following her swiftly, we began traveling into the woods. Some of the trees were still smoking from catching fire and some were still standing healthy and untouched

My mother soon turned to a corner store quickly without even checking to see if there was anyone, or anything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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