"You really don't know, do you?" He raised his eyebrow, his lips tilted in a half smirk.

I softly shook my head, having a mini panic attack. My breathing was uneven and the continuous stares weren't helping any.

I'm just a simple city girl who knew nothing of this 'room.' Things like this were impossible and unrealistic. It's so unreal it's hard to grasp that I'm even here. I'm still confused about the whole room deal; how was I in my room?

Maybe it wasn't really my room to be begin with. Knowing that this is paranormal anything could happen. I rubbed my temples, roughly tugging at my bottom lip.

"As the man explained, you paid with counterfeit money. How he failed to notice this was idiotic on his part but the deed it done," I caught the driver rolling his eyes in the rear view mirror, "Plus the money was in American dollars, not in pounds."

I squeezed my eyes shut at the statement. The whole thing was just plain odd. I should have been more careful when I came across that money; should have known better.

"I honestly had no idea it was counterfeit money, the guy asked for the American money anyway," I mutter under my breath but I knew they had heard me.

None of them responded or even talked after that. The whole drive there was just plain awkward and uneasy. I couldn't stay still which I could tell annoyed the men in the car.

It had to be at least thirty minutes before we pulled in a drive. We first had to stop at a gate for a password, which concerned me slightly. But I thought that there wasn't a king in England?

Quietly sighing, I fixed my eyes on the beauty before me. Even though it was dark, I could see the mansion, or palace they would say, clear as day. Eyes wide as saucers, I watched as we drove closer to the palace.

Since it was dark, I couldn't see as many details as I would have been able to if it were in the middle of the day. We stopped in front of the entrance door, the sirens on the top of the car going off.

As they pushed me out of the car, I was still in a daze. The pain in my wrists dulled but it was still there. All four men surrounded me; one had ahold of my arms.

"Stay quiet unless asked otherwise," a voice hissed in my ear.

It sounded so inhuman it shocked me but all I could do was shrug it off. Warm heat blew against my neck, making me freeze. I was shoved forward, falling to the floor.

"Why must you be so clumsy?" One of them growled, picking me up off the floor.

I absolutely hated being treated like this; I was not some toy! Shaking the thoughts away, I tried to contain my disbelief as we entered the massive building.

It wasn't long before we were in front of a huge door. It was outlined with a gold frame while the rest of the door was a red wood color. The police or guard hesitated before knocking on the door loudly.

Suddenly, I became nervous. What were they going to do with me? I wasn't the bravest person, especially when put on the spot. Closing my eyes tightly, I breathed in deeply.

"Come in," came a deep voice from inside the room after a moment of pausing.

I swallowed, trying to calm my shaking hands. The door was opened and I was once again, pushed. What is with these people? No matter how hard I tried, my heart beat wouldn't crease. A snicker was sounded from beside me but I just ignored it.

My eyes searched the room and finally landed on a man sitting in a huge chair. He was dressed in a simple attire but his expression wasn't as friendly. He had a scowl on his face as he looked at the people holding me.

Door FifteenWhere stories live. Discover now