Chapter Two- Intruder (Part One)

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                Thankfully, The rage didn’t hit me until I got home from school.

                I’m a horrible angry person. I don’t just think mad thoughts or even picture myself killing the summoner of my rage- I lash out.

                So, instead of breaking Noah Marshall’s neck and ruining the rest of my life, I was punching a wall, harming nothing but my fist in the process.

                After I felt the wall had received enough of my displaced blame, I retreated to my room and changed.

                I had a babysitting job I was already late for.

                I threw on a casual dress, brushed my hair back, and fixed my makeup before I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys.

                I made the ten minute drive to the Sullivan’s house a five minute drive and made sure to slow down dramatically before pulling in to the driveway.

                Mary and Jared Sullivan were already standing outside, waiting for me to arrive.

                I got out of the car quickly and jogged up to them.

                “I’m so sorry I’m late-.”

                “It’s fine, dear, you’re barely five minutes late,” Mary assured me, taking my hand.

                Over the summer, I had began babysitting for the Sullivan’s a lot. When Mary heard that my mother had passed away the year before, she became extremely maternal with me. Jared had also fully taken responsibility of being fatherly to me, since my step-father was anything but.

                “Don’t worry about it,” Jared included, giving me an honest smile.

                “Now, we’ll be back around ten, all right? We left some boxes of macaroni on the counter for the kids and there’s a sandwich for you in the fridge. Call me if you need anything, all right?”

                I nodded and said my goodbyes.

                As soon as I entered the house, I was attacked by two adorable kids. Henry was the eldest. He was eight years old and had light brown hair. He had apparently dated twelve girls over the summer, but he assured me they were not as important as I was. According to him, we were going to get married when he turned eighteen.

                Liz was two years younger than he was and quite the trouble maker. She had an angel’s face and bright blonde winglets to go with it, but she was certainly not an angel. Her favorite thing to do was to play pranks on her unsuspecting brother.

                I laughed as they each grabbed a leg and pulled me along into the living room.

                “Come build Lego’s with us!” Liz demanded.

                “I have to make the two of you dinner first, but I will as soon as you’re done eating, okay?”

                “Fine,” Liz sighed and walked over to where she had started to build a Lego house.

                “Do you need help with dinner?” Henry asked, staring at me with adorable puppy eyes.

                “Of course, big guy. You grab me a pan, okay?”

                He nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

                I was about to follow after him when my phone started ringing. I stared at the screen blankly, in shock. I had deleted Eric from my contact list a while ago, but I still recognized the number.

                I almost didn’t answer, but I decided it was better to be mature. Not like Eric was, but still.

                Reluctantly, I answered his call.

                “What is it, Eric?”

                “Diana, please don’t hang up!” he said in a rush.

                “I just answered the phone, idiot. Why would I answer the phone and then hang up?”

                He sighed, impatient. “I have something important to tell you so please hear me out, okay?”

                I actually did consider hanging up. He hadn’t even warned me about Noah today. But, I decided to at least start to hear what he had to say just in case it was the least bit important.

                “Tell me quickly, I’m babysitting.”

                “You can’t come to school tomorrow. Fake sick, pretend your relative’s ill, anything you have to do.”


                “Noah’s having a ‘Gathering’. He wants to bring you.”

                I had heard about Noah’s “Gathering’s” before. The whole school had. He would assemble his stupid gang and then do bad things. Yes, okay, I didn’t know exactly what those “bad things” were but I knew they were pretty… well, bad. People would always end up hurt. A lot of people didn’t show up to school the next day.

                “You’re not his GOH, but it’s still not safe for you to go.”

                “What’s a GOH?”

                “Guest of Honor. There people who have wronged him in some way or another. He holds Gatherings to put them in their place.”

                I shook my head. He was completely unbelievable. He was disgusting.

                “How the hell does he get away with this?” I whispered mostly to myself.

                “He gets away with anything,” Eric said, a spiteful tone to his voice.

                “You sound like you’ve got a little personal problem there.”

                Eric sighed again. “Don’t worry about my personal problems, worry about yourself. Don’t come to school tomorrow, stay home all day faking sick. Okay?”

                I narrowed my eyes, suddenly suspicious. “Why are you telling me this?”

                He paused for a minute. “Are you really asking me that?”


                “I still care about your well-being, Diana. Even if we can’t be together anymore.”

                Then the line went dead. At first, I thought that he had hung up on me, but when I looked at my phone’s screen I realized the thing had died.

                I groaned in frustration. Of course this would happen to me right now.  

                I was about to hit a wall again when I heard a cry from the living room.

                Liz came running to me, sobbing.

                “There’s a man! There’s a man outside!” she cried.

This is only part one of the chapter. Sorry, but I wanted to get this out today. You get to meet a new character in part two that I’m really excited for : D The picture on the side is Noah. Hot, right?

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