Chapter 13: Talking to Tsukasa & Rima Accused!

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I have heard of that. They said that Tsugumu re-married after Midori had died." Said Tsukasa, he thought about it for a minute and asked "I never really got the chance to meet her, but I hear she's from the Yamabuki family, is that right?"

"Yes it is. She also has a daughter named Saaya, she's Amu's step sister." Said Utau with seriousness.

"You don't seem to like her." Said Tsukasa "Why is that I wonder."

"We don't like her and he mother, they're nothing but trouble." Said Utau

"Is that so?" Tsukasa then turned to Amu and asked "Is that true Amu-chan?"

Amu hesitated for a second but then she gave out a small nod. "They're not exactly the family I want. I was better off without them."

"Did they do something to you?" asked Tsukasa

"…" Amu stayed silent and she didn't want to talk about it. Not that she didn't trust Tsukasa now, it was just that, she felt uncomfortable.

Ikuto noticed her discomfort and spoke for her. "Why don't we do this some other time. She needs to rest."

Utau must have noticed this too. "That's right, we have to let her rest for now, or she might never get better." She continued

Tadase, Kairi and Yoru nodded and Tsukasa just complied. They all got up from their seats instead of Ikuto. He stayed and no one seemed to object. Utau came closer to Tsukasa and said "We'll explain this to you once we're out of the room."

Tsukasa nodded and turned to Ikuto and Amu. He smiled and spoke "They will be back here later Amu-chan. They just have some things that need taking care of."

"Okay, I'll wait." replied Amu.

All of them left the room and that left Ikuto and Amu alone. Ikuto looked at Amu and sighed. "If you didn't want to talk about it, you could have just said so."

"I know that, but he seemed really nice and I know he just wanted to help." Said Amu

"Tsukasa isn't going get mad if you don't tell him. He knows as much and he understands." Said Ikuto "You can't force yourself to talk about something if you don't want to."

"I'm sorry…" replied Amu, he stubborn character isn't coming out so it was obvious something was wrong.

"Amu, what's going on now? You aren't acting normal." Said Ikuto

"I'm fine, it's just that…it came back to me that I've been here for quite a while. I haven't been back." Said Amu

"Thinking of your friends again?" asked Ikuto

"Yes, I have no idea how they're doing." Said Amu sadly.

"They're fine. If they weren't Kairi would have said something by now." Said Ikuto

"Kairi? What's this got to do with him?" asked Amu.

"I sent Kairi to go visit them a few days ago and they seemed fine. And don't worry about anyone finding out. Kairi knows better than to dress formally when going to town, so no one would find out." Said Ikuto

"Why did you send Kairi there anyway, what for?" asked Amu confused.

"You were worried about your friends weren't you? I just told him to check on them." Said Ikuto. He knew he was lying, at least half of it he was keeping from her. She didn't need to know that he sent Kairi there for information, not now anyway.

"I see….thank you." Said Amu with a smile "At least I know that they're all okay."

"If you want to send them anything Kairi can always go back whenever he's free." Said Ikuto "Not to mention Utau pays visits o the village often now."

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