Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Tammy's POV

I went downstairs on my tiptoes, hoping not to get caught along the way. It was 9:30pm and I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't allow me to go out at this hour. And I had no choice but to sneak out.

The way to the door was the hardest and most agonizing part since I had to pass the living room where my parents are watching TV. I continued on my tiptoes trying to walk past the living room. I was so close...

"Tammy, where are you going?" Both my parents asked in unison. Damn it.

"Uh.. To get some fresh air?" I tried to make up an excuse but it sounded more of a question.

"I know what you're trying to do..." My dad started saying.

"You do?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, and it's not working so go back up to your room and be a good girl." He commanded. Ugh! He's always treating me like a little girl.

I got up the stairs with slouched shoulders. I went in my room and headed out to my window to tell Blake the news.

"I can't go!" I shouted.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Coz I have strict parents you idiot!" I told him in a 'Duh' tone.

"Well then, Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair!" He bellowed, quoting Rapunzel's prince charming. This is not a good time to be mushy. My parents might hear him!

"Seriously? Lower you voice down!" I demanded. "I can't go with you tonight. Maybe tomorrow?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

"No!" was all he said.

"No?" I asked.

"No! Come down through your window. Jump and I'll catch you!" He suggested.

"WHAT?!" I asked with wide eyes.

"C'mon! Just jump and I'll catch you!"

"Are you nuts?"

"I know you're scared but I promise I'll catch you okay? Don't worry." He said reassuringly.

I don't know what got into me but a part of me believed everything about what Blake has said. So I went with what I believed in and started to climb out of my window.

"That's my girl!" Blake cheered, making me blush at him saying the words 'my girl'.

"Damn you and your hot self." I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing!" I answered.

"Okay, jump now! It's not that far." He said whilst positioning his arms in a cradle position, ready to catch me.

 Lord, please don't let me die. Lord, please don't let me die. Lord, please don't let me die. I chanted whilst jumping out of my window, hoping that Blake would catch me on time.

"You can open your eyes now." Blake suggested whilst snickering.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was already on Blake's arms – safe.

"I'm alive!" I exclaimed happily, earning laughter from Blake.

Wow, I feel so badass right now. Sneaking out, disobeying my parents and jumping out of the window. I did this all in one night because of Blake. Damn this bad boy. I can never seem to say no to him.

We were on our way to Blake's car. He told me that we were meeting his friend at a local diner. I had to say yes, food was involved. Who would say no to food? Not me!

A couple minutes later, we arrived at the local diner called Marty's. We went in the diner and I immediately smelled the intoxicating smell of pancakes! I know what you're thinking. Pancakes at 10 in the evening?  Well, I was hungry and craving for pancakes for a while now so what the heck.

Blake made his way to a male figure. Maybe that's the 'friend' he's talking about. I couldn't see the guy clearly since his back was facing me. A while later, Blake called me to approach both of them so he can introduce me to his 'friend'.

Blake started to introduce his 'friend' to me.

"Tammy, this is –" He began saying and his friend started to face me. His familiar face now revealed.

"TOMMY?" I gasped, shocked.


 Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to @PrakhyaBhageria ! She made the awesome cover on the side. Thank yooooou <3 

I'm still searching for professional looking covers for this story. So if anyone wants to give it a shot, just PM me and i'll dedicate one chapter to anyone who will try :D 

For all my constant readers out there, thank you soooo much for all your support! And it will make me even more happier if more people would VOTE & COMMENT so I would know if my story is any good. There's still a lot of things and events that are bound to happen in the following chapters, so stay tuned. ;) 

Love Lots,

A <3 

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