Playing With My Heart

Start from the beginning

There was a awkward tension between them, that's for sure.

Last time she saw James he had kissed her, 5 years ago.

''Do you wanna come over to dinner tonight?'' Callie said after a minute being quiet.

''Hope already asked me, and I said yes'' James replied.

Hope knew that James was here? That was weird.

''I'll see you tonight....'' Callie said and turned around.


''What?'' She said and faced him.

''It was nice meeting you again'' He said and smiled.

''You too'' She said and continued walking.


Callie walked up the stairs and into Daniel's place.

She hadn't found Zoe's dead body yet, that was a good sign.

''You.... again'' Daniel said.

''Did you kill her?'' Callie asked as a joke, but Daniel didn't laugh.

''Zoe left'' He said.

''Were you not nice to her Daniel? She flew from LA to see you...'' Callie said.

''She can fly back to her fancy house and famous fiance..... I don't want her charity'' He said sounding pretty upset and drunk.

Did Zoe had a fiance? Callie must have missed alot of things over the past 5 years away.

''She cares about you.... You're just too stubborn to let her in'' Callie said and walked out of the appartment.


''Dinner's ready!'' Hope yelled and Reyna ran into the kitchen followed by Callie.

''Aunt Callie is so cool mom!'' Reyna said happily.

''That's great hunny'' Chad said as he lifted Reyna from the ground.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

''I'll take it'' Callie said and ran towards the door.

James stood outside the door with flowers.

''They're beautiful!" Callie said.

"Can you give them to Hope?" James chuckled.

That's great Callie had made a fool of herself, thinking that James actuallt bought her flowers?

"Yeah, sure. Come in" Callie said and disepeard into the kitchen.

"James is here!" Callie said and handed the flowers to Hope.

James came up behind Callie grinning like a fool.

"I have something for you too" He whispered in her ear.

"Really?" Callie closed her eyes and turned around.

James slowly put a white flower in her hair.

"Aunt Callie got a flower!" Reyna yelled.

"Thank you" Callie whispered without opening her eyes.


Zoe walked into her empty hotel room. Why did she even fly here?

She were famous now, she couldn't just ran away and help a friend that didn't want help.

She should probabaly try again with Daniel tomorrow. Maybe she just suprised him today?

Zoe knew who he was. Zoe knew everything about this man, and the man she saw today wasn't who he really was.

She texted Josh: 'I'm sorry. I don't know when I'll be back home'

Then she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.


"I should probably head back to my appartment" James said and stood up.

"Thanks for everything and it was nice to meet you Reyna" He said and walked towards the hall.

Hope pushed Callie at the side. They both knew what that meant. Callie should follow James in to the hallway.

Callie stood up too and walked out from the kitchen. James had already left the house. She quickly opened the door.

"Thanks for the flower....." She said and he quickly turned around.

Callie ran towards him and kissed him gently on the mouth. She missed his kisses, five years without James was definitly too long. They ended the kiss and looked deep into each others eyes.

"Do you wanna follow me all the way home?" James asked and made puppy eyes.

"Well. Reyna might need me...." She chuckled.

James kissed her and grinned.

"Second thought, your appartment sounds perfect" She laughed and they started to walk.


His phone buzzed. It was a texf from Zoe saying: 'I'm sorry. I don't know when I'll be back home'

She had to come home soon.

"Have a nice flight!" The blue dressed woman said and Josh started to walk into the plane.

Greenwood here I come, he thought.





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