Chapter 4:

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Jace pulls away from the cage and walks over to Katie.

"She's one of you" say Jace looking at Katie.

"Ah, another natural" says Katie.

"What?" Asks Ashley shaking.

Katie makes a pushing down motion with her hands causing the blue vines to retreat under the ground.

"Your one of us, so your cool with us" says Jace facing Ashley.

"One of you?" Asks Ashley.

"I'm Jace, a vampire" says Jace pointing to himself.

"And I'm Katie, a witch"
Says Katie pointing to herself.

"I'm a witch too" says Ashley "but I just started".

"There's another one of the naturals but he's not here" say Jace rubbing his neck.

"Who is this other..... natural?" Asks Ashley standing up.

"His name is Mike, he's a werewolf" says Katie.

"Yeah, but Katie's the strongest of the group" say Jace.

"I am. I can help you with witchcraft if you want" says Katie.

The bell for second period rings.

"Well let's go, Fang you can go... Good girl" say Katie petting Fang.

"Flyo, you can go to" say Ashley walking over to Flyo who's flying.

"I have Math next" says Jace pulling out his schedule.

" I do to!" Says Ashley looking at her schedule.

"I don't" say Katie looking at hers " I got gym"

They all walk off. Ashley follows Jace and Katie goes a different way. Fang and Flyo vanish into thin air.
Katie walks into the girls change room to see lots of perfume being sprayed.

"Come on girl, you don't need to smell nice in gym class" say Katie coughing and walking over to one of the benches.

Katie changes into her gym clothes then heads out onto the field.

"Hello students!" Says the gym teacher "we will be doing yoga today"

Some of the girls clap and the rest moan.

"Well at least we aren't running" Katie thinks to herself.

They do some yoga then the girls head back to the change room. The PA system goes off.

"Hello students this is your principal speaking" says the principal over the PA system "There is two new class' starting tomorrow. So if you would like to join them you would have to swap them with a class already on your schedule. The names of the new class' will be released at lunch. That is all thank you".

The girls change room starts to roar with conversation on what the new class' will be. Katie walks out of the girls change room and towards her locker.
When Katie gets to her locker she grabs her books for her next class and looks in the mirror. There in the mirror was Mike staring at Katie.

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