Chapter 3:

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Katie walks to her first She hopes on seeing Jace there.

" Jace" Katie thinks to herself.

Katie walks into the classroom and takes a seat near the back of the room. She grabs her books from her bag. When she looks up she sees Jace standing in front of her.

"Oh.....Jace you scared me, don't do that God!!!" Katie says jumping in her chair.

"S-sorry" Says Jace stuttering.

"What's wrong?" Asks Katie concerned.

"Its n-nothing, j-just the s-sun" Says Jace stuttering looking down.

"Ah! I get it" Exclaims Katie "Anyway come sit, I see we have the same class together".

"Y-yea that's g-great" Says Jace stuttering and sitting in the desk next to Katie's.

"Attention everyone!" Says the teacher putting his hands in the air to calm everyone. "We will be starting now"

Katie and Jace turn towards the front of the room. Jace grabs his books out of his bag. Katie gets out a piece of paper, for taking notes. Katie sees everyone paying attention except for a girl who is staring out the window.

"Hmmmmmmm.........very interesting" Katie thinks to herself.

Katie stares at the girl who shivers and turns around and locks eyes with Katie. Katie sees fire and power in the girls' eyes. The girl nods then turns back around to continue to look out the window.

"VERY interesting" Katie thinks to herself sitting back in her chair.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girl quickly walks out of the class room and heads for the lockers. Katie speed walks after her. Jace runs trying to keep up with Katie.

"Why is she in such a hurry?" Katie asks herself.

"Got to get away from her, she knows what I am" The girl thinks to herself speeding past other students.

Katie soon is right behind the girl followed by Jace, panting. The girl decides to run for the court yard. When they are there Katie sees no-one in the court yard and decides to end the chase. She signals Jace to stop running and stand back. Blue energy circles Katie's hands.

"Oh no" The girl thinks to herself getting scared.

Katie moves her hands up in a lifting motion causing the blue energy to shoot into the ground and form into the blue vines. The blue vines come out of the ground around the girl. The girl starts to freak out but doesn't run out of the circle. The blue vines form a cage around the girl.

"Flyo!!!!! Help!!!" Screams the girl running around the cage.

Katie walks over to the girl in the cage, but keeps her distance. Then all of a sudden an eagle come out of no where and lands on top of the cage, flapping its wings.

"What's your name?" Asks Katie ignoring the eagle.

"Flyo! Help me!" Screams the girl looking at the eagle.

The eagle pecks at one of the blue vines but doesn't succeed. The eagle then decides to screech at Katie. Katie raises one eyebrow at the eagle then laughs.

"Fang" Katie says with a smile on her face.

Fang fly's out of no where and stands behind Katie. The eagle and the girl both tremble at the sight of Fang.

"Now.... What is your name?" Asks Katie again.

"Ummm I-it's A-Ashley" the girl says stuttering looking at Fang.

"Ah, okay.....Ashley" says Katie studying the girl.

"Katie, I sense another of your kind" says Jace walking forward.

"Is it her?" Asks Katie looking at Jace and pointing at Ashley.

"Mep!" Says Ashley as Jace walks over to her.

Jace walks over to Ashley and kneels down beside the cage.

"Look deep into my eyes" says Jace staring into Ashley's eyes.

"Ugh..." Says Ashley turning slightly to face Jace.

When both of Jace's eyes are in her sight she freezes and can't look away from Jace.

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