Chapter 2:

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Katie walks out to the court yard, seeing Mike sitting on a bench looking at the trees.

"Hey Mike! What did you want me here for?"" Asks Katie walking over to Mike.

"I wanted to be the first natural to talk to you this year" says Mike looking at Katie with a smile.

"Well you are the first natural to talk to me other than my mom" says Katie smiling. "Anyway....what's new with you, furball".

"HEY!!!" Yells Mike.

"Sorry" says Katie laughing.

"Maybe I'll burn you at the stake!" Says Mike.

"HEY!! That's not funny, your talking about my ancestors" says Katie.

"There now we're even!" Says Mike laughing.

They both laugh together.

"Do you think that Jace will show up today?" Asks Katie looking at Mike.

"Maybe" says Mike.

Katie looks at Mike's watch.

"Oh! We better get our schedules" says Katie jumping up.

"Right! See you later wicked witch of the west" says Mike laughing.

"See you later to WHERE WOLF" says Katie also laughing.

They both wave goodbye and go there separate ways. Katie walks back into the roaring halls and gets in a line. She gets her schedule and walks to her home room. Katie walks in the room and looks for familiar faces.......none.

"Great, no-one I know is in my home room" Katie though to herself.

Katie sat down in a chair and heard snickering coming from behind her. Katie listened harder to the conversation.

"She's really came to school like that, wow!" Quietly laughed a girl.

"I know right, her hair is so puffy. She could probably put a dog in there" snickered another girl.

"Look how dipped her shirt is, is she trying to attract every boy in the school?" Quietly laughed yet another girl.

"Ugh the popular girls are bad talking me, again. Time to show them who's boss" Katie thought to herself.

Katie pushed her pencil on the floor, under her desk and went to pick it up, but instead of going for the pencil she placed the tips of her fingers on the ground. A blue vine popes up next to her hand. With her other hand sitting on her lap she put two fingers together and gestured up with the two fingers. The blue vine responded with the gesture by growing a little taller. Katie used the hand on the floor to grab the pencil. Then gestured the vine to slither towards the popular girls by weaving under the desks by moving the two fingers in a slithering motion.

"Eek!!! WHATS THAT??!?!?" Screams one of the girls seeing the blue vine under the one desk they were surrounding. 

"Muhaaaaaaa!" Katie laughed to herself inside her head.

The blue vine swiftly moves around the feet of the girl that screamed causing her to scream more. The teacher finally decides to do something about it and walks over. Katie notices and gestures the blue vine to quickly cut each of the girls' ankles. The blue vine does this. Katie calls the blue vine to come back to her by moving her two fingers in a come-here gesture. The blue vine retreats and goes back into the ground. Katie turns around and sees the girls freaking out about all the blood coming out of there ankles.

"What drama queens, it's just a little blood" Katie thinks to herself smiling.

~~~~~~~~2 minutes later~~~~~~~~
The bell for first period rings and Katie leaves the room still smiling.

"Think I showed them who's boss" Katie thinks to herself.

Supernatural Love TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora