06.2|| Rapid swirl

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"Ok, then," Jerry said seeming satisfied and gracefully received a helmet from Kyle.

"I don't remember including any of us in the luggage boat," Sam said, turning to Tom, frowning.

"Someone has to steer that boat, too, I hope you're aware of that," Tom replied looking at Kyle who was wrestling safety equipment on William.

"Ok, I admit it never crossed my mind, but don't tell anyone, okay?" Sam smirked, looking away from Tom. "Ready to go?"

"Yup," Jimmy said, coming towards them all equipped. "I sent Billy and Jim in the luggage boat. Billy can steer and Jim can look after William."

"Yeah, I guess that's okay..." Sam said halfheartedly, having no idea how to steer a rubber boat on a raging river. He only hoped that someone in their boat could do it, too.

"Jimmy and I can steer fine, don't worry," Tom answered patting Sam on the back with what very much resembled pity.

"Will you stop it with the mind-reading already?" Sam asked laughing and getting in the boat followed by the rest of the group except for Kyle who started pushing the boats towards the river.

For a second, the boats floating peacefully, then, as if someone had flipped a switch, they jerked downstream with incredible speed. Kyle barely managed to jump in the boat and tumbled over Tom. He fell over and dropped the oar. The boat rammed into a boulder and tilted dangerously. Jimmy used the other oar to steer it back on track. The other boat easily avoided the rock.

"I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy this," Jerry mumbled, his fingers clutched tightly around the safety rope.

Sam had to agree he wasn't a big fan of rafting either, but after Tom got back in position, the two boats raced on without bumping into anything else.

After a few minutes of peaceful sailing, Sam relaxed. Tom and Jimmy were doing a very good job at avoiding big rocks and Billy was also handling himself well. Jim had no idea how to steer a boat, but Billy was giving him easy to follow instructions. Everything was going well.

"Where did you learn how to steer a boat?" he called out to Tom and Jimmy over the sound of the raging river.

"We actually went rafting once as part of a project initiated by our sponsor," Jimmy called back. "But it's really an instinctive thing."

Jimmy sunk the oar into the river as he said this and the boat moved to the right to avoid another jutting rock. Sam looked at the bubbling water, wondering if he would be able to instinct his way around rocks. His guess was no.

A scream rose over the sound of the raging river. Sam scrambled to turn in his seat, his heart in his throat. Billy's legs were the only visible part of him as William, who had somehow managed to untie himself, thrashed on top of him. Jim sunk his oar into the water, barely managing to avoid a boulder. The boat tilted dangerously with William's erratic movement. The luggage tumbled to one side of the boat.

Sam opened his mouth to say something, but his brain seemed frozen. They couldn't just pull over, and he had no idea what to do. Tom ran past him, jumped, flipped in midair and landed on the corner of the luggage boat. He tackled William and immobilized him.

"One of you, grab the other oar!" Jimmy yelled over to them and Jerry immediately got up and complied.

"How'd you decide what to do so fast?" Sam yelled over to Tom who was still wrestling with William.

"I didn't decide, just followed my gut. Though, I admit I planned the flip carefully." Tom laughed, grabbing the rope that had once kept William in place and attempted to use it on him again.

Firebomb (The Jewel Project #2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora