Chapter Twenty-Two

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I stared out the window of my last class for the day. Reegan was in his usual parking spot as I glared.
"Your face is going to stay in that permanent scowl and you'll be hideous," Avery poked her finger into my back.
"You're such a caring friend," I sighed, turning in my seat.
My stomach went into knots as the first bell rang.
"Well now is the time," Avery shrugged. "What are you gonna do about it?"
"I'll bring it up casually in conversation," I looked at her.
"Oh, hey Reegan, how was your day and also, did you fuck Kelly while I was at school?" Avery joked.
"You're so funny," I glared at her.
"Look," she gestured to the window.
I turned just in time to see Reegan pulling out of the parking, Kelly in the passenger seat.
"That bastard, I can't believe he didn't tell me," anger flooded my mind as I turned back to our work.
"Maybe he'll tell you later," she sighed as she also focused on the work again.
I managed to get through a few questions by the time our bell rang. I hurriedly packed up my stuff and shuffled out the class.
I heard Avery calling me and I slowed.
"Stop it," she hissed. "He's going to be here. You live in the same house."
I nodded, anger still pooling into my head. We got to the gate and I didn't see his car when I turned to his usual parking.
Disappointment filled me.
"I'll wait with you for a while," Avery said, planting herself next to me.
Minutes ticked by and soon the parking lot was mostly deserted.
"He's not coming," I murmured.
"Come on, I'll take you home," Avery sighed, as she gently tugged me to her car.
I checked my phone and realized we had waited by the school for twenty minutes. Reegan had been gone for more than half an hour.
Avery pulled up in front of my house and I noticed Reegan's car in the driveway.
"Oh wow," I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for your effort."
She said bye and pulled away as I stood in front of my own houses door.
I slammed it open, expecting to find Reegan and Kelly getting it on. Instead, Reegan was silently switching through channels.
"Forget something?" I hissed at him, stepping to stand in front of the TV.
His eyes widened and he quickly stood up.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry Bam, it completely slipped my mind. I was busy at a lecture and I came straight home to rest," I couldn't believe he was lying.
"Fuck you, I want you out before the morning," I snapped.
"Isn't that taking it a bit too far? I mean this is the first time I didn't fetch you," he debated.
"I gave you the chance to tell me the truth and you lied. You fetched her and then what? Did you go to her house? Did you fuck her? Is that why you're lying?" I yelled.
Guilt flashed in his eyes before it went back to neutral.
"What are you on about?" He sighed.
I forced my hand not to slap him and fire injected into my veins and all I saw was red.
"Don't make me out to be stupid, asshole," I screamed. "I heard your phone call this morning and I saw you drive away with her!"
"No, you fucking look. This is my fucking house so you respect me. I'm allowing you to live here to get away from her so don't you fucking dare lie to me about seeing her, Reegan," I shrieked.
Before I knew it, I had thrown myself at him, clawing his chest as he tumbled back onto the couch.
"I hate you!" I tried to slap him but he caught my hand.
I ripped my arm away from him, trying my best to put force behind my hits as he tried to grab my flailing hands.
I managed to slap his cheek and punch his chest before his arms wound tightly around me, pulling me into him.
"No," I let out, the anger leaving my voice as hurt filled me.
"Hey, calm down," he cooed, his breathing heavy.
I dropped my arms, suddenly feeling weak as I melted into him. Tears pricked my eyes as he stroked my hair.
He squeezed me tighter to him and the flood gates opened. I sobbed into him, while he continued to whisper soothing things and to stroke my hair.
After a while, I shoved away from him.
"How could you?" I whispered. "All you thought about was her."
"I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want you to think I'm seeing her again. This was a once off thing," he told me, managing to pull me to his side.
I curled into a ball under his arm.
"I was okay with it until you lied to me, Reegan," I wailed. "Why didn't you fetch me?"
"I wanted to get home and rest," he shrugged. "Being with her is so mentally and physically draining, I couldn't think of anything else. By the time I realized, I knew you would've gotten a lift with Avery already."
I nodded, putting my face into his side and letting more sobs shake me.
"Crying about everything?" He asked and I nodded.
He wrapped his arms back around me.
"I'm so sorry about everything wrong I've ever done," he sighed. "I love you so much yet I keep fucking up."
I snaked my arm around his chest, wishing we could just be closer than this.
I felt his fingers lift my chin slightly before his lips attacked mine, giving me slow hungry kisses.
"I don't know what I'd do if I had to lose you forever," I muttered against his mouth.
We continued kissing before he pulled away.
"Don't want to get too excited," he chuckled, focusing on the TV again.
I laughed softly with him, internally wishing that we could get too excited.

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