Take Me Away

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After running blindly for half an hour you trip. Instead of hitting hard ground it was soft. You fell into sand.

You open your eyes and look around. You come to the realization that you're at the beach, the same beach you fell in love with Sollux Captor. You start to sob, wetting the sand around you into little clumps.

"Of course he isn't flushed for you, you can't even think of competing with Feferi. I mean, look at her; she's flawless. And you're made up of every little flaw, stitched together." The voices, oh god how they would not stop.

"L-leave me alone." You whisper, barely audible.

"You need to know the truth, you are ugly."

"P-please st-op. Just stop it." You say louder.

"Since the day you were born, yes. Ugly baby turns into an ugly girl who turns into a ugly teen. How did you not notice?"

"sto-p just gET OUT OF MY HEAD." You start to sob. You try to block out the voices. Nothing was working. You keep crying, the salty ocean air stung in your throath every racking breath you took. 

You were begining to fall asleep to the sound of waves crashing against the shore. You unconciously felt the sand around being disturbed. Then two strong arms around you, picking you up.


Ayyyylamo~ so i updated, one. But still its an update. Be prepared for more Co:

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