This Is A Dry Party

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You followed John inside and you two were greeted by Vriska.

"Hey you two ::::)" she said.

"Vriska is there any booze?" you say immediately.

"Wow you really sound like Roxy, 8ut no. No 8ooze 8t this p8rty."

You let out a loud sigh, "John can we please leave?"

"But _____ we just got here." he whined.

You sighed in defeat and walked in the other room taking a seat on the couch next to Feferi.

She started talking to you about fish or some shit. You weren't paying attention to what she was saying. You're mind wandered off elsewhere. You began to think about Earth, your old home. Well it's inhabitable because it was destroyed by meteors. You kinda miss the place though.

"OKAY LOSERS WE'RE GONNA PLAY A GAME" Karkat's shouting pulled you out of your thoughts.

"listen up." you heard a familiar voice sound behind you. " we're playing seven minutes in heaven. what you gotta do is you put shit in a hat and whoever pulls yours out had to go into the closet with you for seven minutes and you guys make out or somethin."

It was Dave Strider. Now you really wanted to leave. You absolutely positively did not want to go into a closet with Dave Strider for seven whole minutes. You are maybe, almost over that douchenozzle. You didn't want to fall for him again.

Homestuck Seven Minutes In HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora