Goggles 38D

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You pulled out a pair of pink Goggles.

"Come on Fef, into the closet." You say.

"I didn't put t)(ose in t)(ere _____."


"KK calm down. iit wa2 me. Come on _____, the clo2et awaiit2 you." A familiar speech troubled troll said.

Fuck. It was Sollux. Sollux fucking Captor.

He took you by the hand and led you into the closet. After he shut the door your pupils dialated, allowing any light in to help you see. All you could make out was his silhouette.

He moved closer to you, placing his hands on your hips.

You leaned in and kissed him. You had been waiting forever to do this. You couldn't explain your red feelings toward the Gemini.

Ever since that one night on the beach. When your (e/c) orbs met with his. You knew. He had even said he loved you once or twice.

After a few seconds the kiss broke.


"Yeah Sol?"

"Are...Are you flu2hed for me?"

"Yes. I am undoubtably flushed for you Sollux Captor."

"2hiit. _____ iim 2orry but ii don't feel the 2ame way. iim flu2hed for FF."

As soon as he said it tears began to pour out of your eyes.

You tried to open the closet but it was locked. You stepped back and kicked it with all your force. The door flew open. Revealing all the Trolls and Humans staring wide eyed at you.

"Fuck. Sorry Karkat. I have to go." You said walking out.

"_____" John shouted.

You didn't turn around. You just kept walking. Soon you were outside. The cold air giving your arms goosebumps.

You didn't know where you were going, nor did you care.

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