The Untold Secret.

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3rd POV

It was late at night, the older man kept the young boy curled tightly in his arms, obvious that he's missed his touch his hold. But he couldn't sleep. He tried, and tried but no luck. He eventually got up and grabbed the bag going in his office, looking over the papers.

It was 3 am. He was still awake. He didn't want to be, but he was. He reached mindlessly, not looking into the bag. He felt an odd object, that wasn't his pen. He looked in and picked it up. A white stick. He found the box to it. A pregnancy test.

He read the results on it.

He went to the room where his younger love slept. He gently woke him. The younger man slowly woke up annoyed. He showed his lover the test, questioning with big eyes. His blue eyed love stared at him with tear filled eyes.

Anger took over him,
But so did confusion,
A questioning feeling filled his stomach and he wasn't sure.

He wrapped his arms around Kurt knowing it would be ok. The white stick dropped to the floor. Their embrace was enough to let the intimacy through. Quit sobs, and tightening hugs filled the starry night.

On that white stick. It stood out in the room since the pale moon light shone on its spot. Two pink lines were read. It was positive.

Now a baby was to be expected.

The secret didn't need to be spoken,

Only felt.

Did I break your heart yet?
Stay Strange🦄

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