Too Quiet

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Many things have been buzzing around in my mind. But the one that stands out in big bold letter is,


I'm having a baby with my enemy...

It wasn't suppose to go like this. I was gonna find myself a husband, get married and have kids, all after when I became successful. Broadway, and Vogue was my future. Now... Now I'm eating for two.

Blaine keeps bring up the age old question, when it comes to situations like this...

Do you want it?

It seems awful to call 'it' an it. It's still a person... My person... That's literally half of me.... And weirdly enough growing inside of me.

I don't know... In truly stuck. Part of me doesn't.... I have my whole life on the line, a kid would change that forever. I'm not finically stable to have kid. I'm living with my boss/partner/baby daddy/ enemy. Not the greatest of situation for a baby either. I don't even know Blaine that well... We're still just beginning ourselves.

Then.... There's that other part of me, the one hormones hasn't effected yet...
I want it.
It's something I may never have if I don't take the chance. It's still a part of me... It may have my eyes or hair... The thought of having a baby is thrilling, yet terrifying.

Then. Then there's Blaine.
The baby could inherit the best traits from him. Dark, soft, curls, that frame his face perfectly. Warm honey, golden, hazel eyes that I could stare into all day. And his strong olive skin, that makes my porcelain stick out like a sore thumb. I don't know if he wants it yet. Right now he's been my support, though I would never say to his face. I'm thankful for him.

He has a lot on the line he won't admit he's ready to give up. I know that, it doesn't need to be said.

"Kurt? You here." Blaine's voice rang out, and the smell of Chinese filled the air.

"Yeah." I called out, "just thinking."

"Too Quiet for you." Blaine said walking into the living room and putting the food on the coffee table.

I shrugged my shoulders and started eating my food, he brought.

If I'm too quiet,

It must be too loud in his own mind, to just now notice.

Finals. Kill. Me. Now.
Stay Strange 🦄

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