Life in a day...

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Tomorrow is a very special day for me and Christina's band - The Daredevils - tomorrow we finally start our country tour for our new album called Red (A/N I know that's a T-Swift album but just go with it) yay months on the road *note the sarcasm* don't get me wrong I love my fans but sometimes I wish I had real friends you know besides Christina and the rest of the band. I mean I know people get jealous over stars but people like me envy the people who lead simple lives and who don't get bombarded by the press every single time they try to go out, yes you heard me right, I cannot go ANYWHERE with my boyfriend - Ansel Elgort - without getting a million pictures taken of me but I guess that's my life!
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Today I was very rudely awakened by Chris (we're roomies if you didn't already know) by pouring a bucket of freezing cold water on me and then started yelling at me to get ready because we had planned to meet up with the rest of the band at Starbucks for breakfast so I quickly got out of bed and took a quick shower and because it was fall I wanted something more cozy so I went for my baby blue sweatshirt that says 'never stop dreaming' on it and a grey knitted beanie, a pair of black jeans and bow earrings and than finally my grey ugg boots (A/N pic above!) and I put on a minimal amount of makeup on and loosely curl the ends of my hair and make my way to the elevator that will take me to where Chris is.
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Once we get to Starbucks we see the rest of the band: Raina- keyboard, Carly- drums, Victoria- lead guitar, and Lizzy- guitar, and Ansel. Wait, Ansel? Oh my gosh!! I thought he was still supposed to be on tour with his band! (A/N I know Ansel doesn't have a band but that's why it's called imagination) Oh well. Damn it I just remembered that we go on tour today but we see each other right now! Plus he's still going too be here once I get back since they aren't going on another tour for another year. So that's ok. When we approach the band I run up to Ansel right away and start questioning him... But in a loving way!
"Oh my gosh Ansel! I thought u were supposed to be gone for another 2 weeks!""well we wrapped up early because our manager got really sick and I really missed you darling" well I can't argue with that! But I just say "awww I missed you too baby!" Then we hear a bunch of 'awwwww's and when we turn around the girls are watching us and Chris has her phone out watching us about to kiss but we just decide to order, I get a chocolate croissant and a hot chocolate. After we ate, we had been at Starbucks for about an hour. It's already 11am and it's time to get on the bus! My home on wheels for the next few months! I say goodbye to Ansel and we're off!

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