Chapter 1

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Miss Cooper.?! My teacher Mr. Rambey called out to me as I tried to sneak pass him. I turned around with a not in the mood face. Why are you late.?

Cause I am bitch.!

I had some issues at home.! I said not lieing rolling my eyes. He held out his hand with a piece of paper. I snatched my write up slip and took my seat in the back in the middle of Corey and Paris.

I thought you wasn't coming today.? Corey asked giving me my Tim Hortons. I grabbed my bag from her and rolled my eyes.

My dad was home.! I said stuffing a donut into my mouth. They simply know what that means.

Why don't you just move.? Paris asked.

Cause Bitch no after what he on he still my father.

Yeah but Lexi he hits you when he's drunk.! How you think your mom would feel.?

Don't bring my mom into shit.! I snapped. I waved her off sitting back folding my arms. I jie didn't wanna talk to Paris no more. Corey just sat in silence. Everybody knows how I get when my mom is brought up. Losing her was the worst thing that had ever happened to me.

Everyone this is Carter.! Mr. Rambey said causing us to look up. He's our new student he just transferred her from Arizona. Now I know it's late in the semester so we gone have to do some switching around. Aggy.?! He called out to me. And Yess he calls me aggy because we both aggravates each other souls.

What.? I answered back.

Who's your partner.? He asked referring to Corey and Paris.

Corey.! I said smiling at her.

Miss Wilson come up front and meet your new partner. Paris got up smiling extra hard. Whenever there's some new dick she acted like she ain't know how to act. Don't get me wrong that muthafucka was fine standing up there next to nasty ass Mr. Rambey. He stood at like 5'11 brow skin complexion, bright brown eyes, a nice hair cut waves was on point.! He was dipped in diamonds. And his fit was fresh as hell. Dark navy blue rock jeans and a orange polo Ralph Lauren shirt with a navy blue strip going across it and the orange and gray Jordan 12's. I liked his style he was mad cute. He took his seat next to Paris. I could tell he was real cool and relax while Paris tried to talk to him, he just smirked her off which made me laugh.

That damn girl so hot in the ass.! Corey said rolling her eyes.

Why you think she had 2 abortions.! I said throwing shade.

Bitch.! Corey said laughing so hard she was crying making me laugh. I popped some cough drops in my mouth and we started our assignment.

Aggy.! He called out to stop our laughter.

I ain't even doing shit.! Why is you always fuckin with me out of all the people that's talking in this damn class you choose to fuck with me. You see I'm doing my work.! I said rolling my eyes irritated making the whole class laugh.

One more out burst and you know where to go.!

Know what Ima just leave now, Dr.Stevenson probably looking for my ass now.! I said getting up. I grabbed my things and left the class heading to the principles office. I swear this was a everyday thing since fuckin September.

Why are you here Alexa.? Dr. Stevenson asked.


Did he kick you out or you left.?

I left.

Go back to class you know you can't just leave like that.! I huffed and made my way back to this stupid ass class.

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