Chapter 6:The Memory

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Sky's POV

  "You really care about her don't you?"Dean asked. "Yea I really do and I love her, I can't help it but just being around her makes me feel like a teenager again and there's this feeling I've never felt before not even with Jess and then there's the felling of needing to protect her no matter what and that's from anything. I always have this attraction to her like if I'm not around her I feel really anxious and I need to be around her. Dean I keep trying to deny it because anyone I've ever cared about like that dies, but Dean I really do love her." I heard Sam say to Dean. I smiled at their conversation, he actually admitted he loves me. I played my music and couldn't hear if they were saying anything else. I was listening to So Cold by:Ben Cocks but it was a supernatural remix about dean. That's all I remembered before the darkness of sleep took over my mind.

*Sky's dream*

I woke up to the door slamming, my drunk dad walked through the front door. I got up and went to run to my room to hide but he grabbed me before I could reach the door. "No you little slut your getting a beating tonight!" He yelled, "No daddy please!" I begged back I remember where I am. This is the first time my dad rapped me. He started slapping me and hitting me, when he stopped hitting me he stood up to go. "Its not my fault mom died, so why do you always take it out on me?" I yelled at him feed up with the beatings. "It is your fault because if you weren't alive that man wouldn't have tried to take you and she wouldn't have tried to stop him but now she's dead..... BECAUSE OF YOU!" He yelled wrong choice to step up. He ran over to me and slapped me down "Stop! Stop! Don't hurt me again please!" I yelled out at the man I called my father. "To late!"he yelled laughing. He put his hand to my throat and held me stuck on the floor. He pulled my pants down and by then I was sobbing, I would fight back but I couldn't because I was in my ten year old body. I felt pain in my lower abdomen and screamed out I now knew what it was but at the time my ten year old self didn't. I felt another presence in the room and looked up and saw Sam standing there he was looking around and his eyes landed on me and my father raping me. He ran over to me and tried to speak but he couldn't because this was my memory and he couldn't be included in it. I was crying and just kept eye contact with Sam the whole time and he kept eye contact with me. I didn't want to feel this again but I'm glad Sam was here to distract me from the horrible memory, during the time my father was raping me he decided to start beating me. I felt a knife go in my thigh and I screamed out in pain and Sam now had tears streaming out of his eyes because the had to see me go through this pain and I could just tell by the person he is that he wanted to stop this. He started cutting me and slapping me and punching me. He finally finished what he wanted and got up and walked to his room but by the time he was done I had no clothes on at all. I crumbled my body up into a ball a cried, the memory transformed into an oasis where the memory was paused and Sam hugged me. I then automatically had clothes on, He then I don't know how transformed into his ten year old self, he sat there holding me and rubbing his hand down my hair. I looked up into his eyes and I then wondered how he was here. We couldn't hear each other so I had to wake up so I could talk to him. He held his hand out and I took it getting up of the floor with him, he walked forward and a portal opened. I almost instantly remembered this memory from the TV show supernatural it was Sam and Dean out in a big field shooting illegal fireworks, I smiled at them running around and followed Sam and Dean in running around. When we finished setting of the fireworks and running around we all laid up on the hood of the Impala and watched the stars, it was Dean, Sam, and then me. I looked over at Sam and smiled, we both jumped off the hood and ran off as the memory was fading.


I woke up and Sam was sleeping beside me holding my hand and Dean was in the front seat driving. Sam woke up at the same time I did and he turned and hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I'm so sorry for what your father did to you. I will never let that happen again." I smiled against his chest. "I heard you and Dean talkin' earlier you know I hadn't actually played my music yet."I whispered back. He just smiled, "So I guess you know now."He said breaking our whisper party. "Yea and how in the world did you end up back here and how did you get inside my head?" I asked him confused. "You started yelling and I could feel the change in your mood automatically so I told Dean to pull the car over and I immediately jumped out and jumped in the back with you and told Dean to drive no matter if you were yelling. I grabbed your hand and was immediately transported to your mind, when I saw what he was doing to you I was crushed and I never want to see you hurt again but I know that's not going to happen but I guess the need to protect you and that I couldn't made me feel like I could have done something." I cut him of saying "There was nothing you could have done it already happened, there was nothing you could have done to stop it.", "I know, so after he left and we transported to an oasis I wanted to make you happy so, I took you to one of my favorite memory's. Then we ended up here."He said continuing. "I think you always need to be near me when I go to sleep because I have nightmares almost every night. But, when your there after they are over you can make it better by taking me to a happier memory. Plus, I wonder if I'm around you from the start of when I go to sleep if i'll even have nightmare at all. So I think we found one of our powers we should probably tell Cas tomorrow he'll want to know." I said. He nodded, Sam laid down against the back seat and I laid with him snuggling into his side. I had only been asleep for maybe 30 minutes so we had at least 3-4 hours till we got there. I breathed in Sams sent and held on to his hand, soon enough I fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey Ya'll So I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter I know it wasn't alot but I thought it would be cute and it was fun to write. Also I was thinking about writing a smut chapter between Skyler and Sam when they got drunk. If y agree tell me and if you don't also tell me. But if you agree tell me the intensity y'all want me to write it at.

Love ya' PIGS ~ SKY E.

Word Count: 1278

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