Is It Wrong?

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Never was I told,
Is it wrong to hate the world,
And every creature in it?
Is it wrong to want to stop,
To just end it all?

It's not like they will care,
It's not like anyone reads,
My thoughts.

If no one does,
It's okay,
I suppose.

Is it wrong to journey off,
Not caring where you end?
Is it wrong to lead a life that never takes a rest?

I don't help people,
I cause only pain,
I am no help,
I am no one.

I want to leave,
Tell me how?

Is it wrong to hate the body you were born in?
Is it sick to destroy the hope,
Through the breaking of the skin?
Is it wrong to hate the mind,
The one that destroys within?

It's wrong to call for help,
For no one can read,
No one can see,
Past the subtle layer.

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