Jacksepticeye x Reader

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(Yes I know he has a girlfriend shhhhhhh XD)
    "TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!" Your energetic boyfriend yells at the top of his lungs while you sit next to him quietly laughing.Today you were playing happy wheels with him and it would be a lie if you said you were nervous you were petrified of what his fans would think of you. He kept telling you that it would be ok and that they would love you but you weren't buying it. You kinda spaced off a  little so the next thing you heard was,"HAPPY WHEELS!!!" You chuckled at how silly your boyfriend was. "Today we are playing HAPPY WHEELS!!! With my lovely girlfriend (y/n)!" You gave a little wave to the camera and smiled. Jack gave a little laugh and choose a level for you to play.  You choose to be the bicycle dad   and yelled at Billy for no reason. Jack laughed and then started to yell at Billy to.

     In the end you both gave high fives and yelled 'in the next video' and turned off the camera. Jack kissed your cheek and told you that you did a great job. You smiled and hugged him.  

The end CX

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