Congratulations your a father

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After days and days of running the DNA and cross referencing it with his own there was only one explanation. And no matter how much he tried to dismiss it he had a daughter, a mutant daughter. Who was now a fugitive for stealing something, wait what was it that she stole? He didn't stick around long enough to find out.

But why was it that she was just showing up now. Tony sighed and decided to turn his tv on, he needed a moment to process all of this. Should he just leave her be or go and find her. What if she already had a good life so far , with good parents. Wait, that couldn't be true. She had literally just broke into some place and stole something. Something wasn't right something-

* news broadcast *

We intrupt this programming to bring you this important message. A girl by the name of Cassy stark, a highly dangerous mutant is on the lose. Recently broken out of a max security holding center for criminals. We Belive she has no relation to the famous billionaire Tony stark. Also known as iron man. We caution all civilians, do not try and apprehend her she is highly dangerous. Tho we do urge you to call the local police if you see this woman.

 Tho we do urge you to call the local police if you see this woman

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Tony sat straight up wide eyed, " my god what have you done. " he mumbled. The girl on tv looked just like the one in the security camera he saw just a couple days ago. She didn't look at at over nineteen, she looked terrified. Like she didn't even know what was going on. This was the deciding factor, he had to find her before anyone else did. No one would suspect him because they didn't believe this girl to be his daughter, at least not yet.

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