The Devil's Daughter

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"Alexis, listen to yourself, honey!" My mother is talking about something I've already forgotten. "Mom, come on. We've been talking for hours." "And we'll keep talking until you've changed your mind. You're only 17, you can't move out." I groan and slouch lower in my chair, "And sit like a lady!" I stand up, and go up to my room, slamming the door hard. I don't care if I wake up my dad or my brother. I grab a duffel bag out of the top of my closet and put it on my bed. My phone buzzes on my nightstand, and I pick it up, answering immediately,

"Hey, Tyler."

"What's wrong?"

We've been friends since first grade, and he could always tell when I'm upset and always called as soon as I'm alone "Mom."

He understood without any explanation.

"Want me to come over?"

I sigh, and nod, even though he can't see me.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." My phone beeps, telling me the battery is low. I plug it up, and there notice a quiet, constant tapping on my window. I walk over and see it's Tyler. I smile and open it. As soon as he climbs in, he pulls me into a tight hug.

"You ok?"

He is looking down at me, with concern written clearly on his face.

"Yeah, I just wanna get out of this hell hole."

He flinched when I said hell, but I brush it off, thinking nothing of it.

"Finish packing. There's a spare room at my house if you want to use that."

"Okay, thanks." We pull away, and I throw my clothes into the duffel bag. I start to shoulder it, but he takes it from me.


"Not with the jump." He drops the bag out of the window and grabs the closest tree branch. "I'll catch you, I promise."

He slides out of sight, and I hear his feet touch the ground almost silentlt. I walk over to the window; Tyler nods at me, and I close my eyes, slipping from the window seal. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, stopping me.

"You can open your eyes now." His voice shows amusement. I open my eyes, and he sets me on the ground, handing me my phone.

"Almost forgot this."

He slings my duffel bag over his shoulder again, and I groan.

"Give me my bag. I can carry it." "Nah, I got it."

We start walking into the woods behind my house.

      We make it to the clearing, and I see his house on the other side of it.

"I should warn you about my brothers. They're"

His quiet laughter makes me want to laugh as well. "You can meet them tomorrow."

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