Meeting his friends

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Chapter 9
Thank you for coming this far!

Haru was behind the corner observing Makotos next action. He wanted to get closer,but accidentally slipped.


Mako"huh? Sousuke...?" he walked torwards the noise. A shiver went threw Makotos spine. "Y-you...were yo here the whole time..?"

Haru got up and bowed "Sorry...I didnt mean to earstrop...I just happened to pass by and then I heard voices so I followed them."

Mako"*he dosent seem like a bad guy..* ah I get it,but how much did you hear?"

Haru"almost everything I guess.."

"Ah I see!" Makoto smiled. "Then can you please dont tell anyone about that? It would be very troublesome if somebody would find out!"

Haru" I wasnt planning to tell anybody anyway! Its none of my buisness!"

"Ah thats great!" Makoto laughed a little."Thank you! *hes a good guy afterall!*"

Haru looked at Makoto.

Mako "hm? Something wrong?"

Haru looked him in the eye and said with a confident face "I said that it wasnt my buisness,but...Im sure that Rin-I mean prince Rin would definetly approve your realationship!"

Mako"How could you know that...even if Rin is kind he-''

Haru"Prince Rin would definetly without no doubt accept this realationship! He would never brake too people who love eachother apart!"

Makoto looked at Haru with a suprised face.
"Haha yo-you must really like Rin,huh?" he laughed.

Haru looked away hiding his blushing face"eh? What are you talking about?! Ofc I dont!"

Mako"Yes yes! Whatever you say! Haha....
But to tell you the truth I could never tell Rin about it..!"

Haru "huh? But..!"

Mako "Its fine! Anyway thank you for trying to cheer me up!"

Haru"..I wasnt trying to cheer you up, though!"

Mako"haha so mean! You really area a strange one! Anyway I have to leave now. Thank you for everything!" said Makoto as he walked away.

Haru"huh? You're the mean one...calling people strange like that!"
Dining hall

Makoto walked in.

Rin"Makoto!!! Long time no see! Where were you? Sousuke just came back aswell!"
(Sousuke was sitting behind the table with the rest of their group)
"Huh? You okay? Your eyes are red!"

Mako"Ri-rin,its nice to see you too! And I didnt feel very good so I wanted to take a walk aroun the corner! Sorry!"

Nagi"eh? Eeeehhh? Mako-chan,you sure your okay now?!"

Makoto smiled "yes, I am! Besides I met an really interesting person there."

Rin"hm? An interesting person? Who?"

Mako"I didnt ask his name,but...he seemed very fond of you!"

Rin"eh? You talking about Nitori?"

Mako"no,he was quite a beauty." *Sousuke flinched*
"He had a serious face,but his eyes were deep the ocean. He also had short black hair. The guy was quite stoic,but very honest. He showed me some quite cute expressions."


Nagi"eh? I wanna meet that person too! I wanna! I wanna!"

Rei " Is it only me or its gotten a little chilli in this room.."

Rin"ah actually I was going to intredouce you,but I dont know anymore *CUTE expressions??? Why the hell did Haru show him something like that and not to me*!!"

Sou"I agree with Rin-sama! There is no need to meet that person...*That scumbag left a good impression on my Makoto! Tsk and did he saw us?! He-he could be blackmailing Makoto or something worse!*"

Nagi"No fair! Makoto could meet him so I want to too! Riiin-chaaan pleeaasee???!"




Nagi "Riiiinriiiiin onegaaaaaaai!! Rinrin!Riiiiiiiin!"

Rin"tsk oh for gods sake! Sousuke bring Haru here!"

Sousuke hesitated.


Later on SouHaru walked in.
Nagisa stormed to Haru.

Nagi"Hey! My name is Nagisa! Whats yours? Are you a friend of Rin-chan? You're also friends with Makoto? Will you be my friend?"


Rei got up and walked to NagiHaru.
"My apologizes this little penguin talks too much! He isnt very bright so it cant be helped. Im Rei Ryugazaki! My family has been doing science projects for decades and *bla bla* science *bla* *bla* math *bla* *bla* and-"

Haru was really confused "ugh..."

Rin"Rei! You're no better! You talk way more than Nagisa!

Rei"huh? I dont agree with that statment-"

Rin"ah whatever!" he walked to Haru and pulled him to the table. He sat him down on a chair. "Please calm down and sit!"

Haru looked at Rin.

Rin"Everybody his name is Haruka,but you can call him Haru. I took him in and hes the one I've been looking for so long!"

ReiNagiMako were suprised.
Mako"huh? You mean..his that person?"
That was a long one. Hope you liked it. The next part will be far more interesting.
To be continued...

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