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Samantha's Point of View

I'm lying on my bed now, I just finished taking a bath. I can still felt his body pressed to mine, there's an electric shock between us. Why am I feeling this?

Because you love him...

Yes... I love him!

"No! I'm not inlove with him." I exclaimed to myself.

I heard continuosly loud knocks on the door.

"Come in." I shouted.

The door unlocked revealing a guy with curly brown hair wearing nothing but boxers. I quickly got up from bed and cover my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm just wandering if you have an extra..."

"Extra shirt and sweatpants?" I asked still covering my eyes.

"No, extra charger for my phone." Harry said chuckling.

I quickly turn around not facing him to get my extra charger. I heard the door open again.

"Haz! Can you please stop getting naked!" I heard Louis' voice. "And besides why are you here? Are you two trying too..."

I turn facing them, "No, we're not trying anything. He's just asking for a charger." I exclaimed.

Oh God, don't he have clothes to wear? I mean, it was cold and he's just wearing boxers.

"Dinner is ready by the way." Harry said smiling at me.

"Please do wear some clothes first." I said then Louis laughed. "And don't even try to enter the room wearing just your boxers."

Louis and I both walk downstairs while Harry went to his room to put some clothes on.


After dinner we all went to the living room. And the other lads came by to have a movie marathon. They brought some fries and popcorn.

"Everybody quiet! The movie was about to start." Niall said eating fries because the popcorn is not yet ready.

I think nobody wants to prepare the popcorn, I grab the pack of uncooked popcorn and head to the kitchen.

"I'll prepare the popcorn." I said smiling.

"I'll help!" Louis exclaimed so everyone looked at him saying, 'QUIET!'

Louis helped me with the popcorn, I grab a bowl but it slipped on my hand. I quickly picked up the broken pieces but it accidentally cut my skin. The blood flow from my hand.

"What happen?" Liam asked.

The boys look at me while Louis was holding my bleeding hand, "Go and get some first aid!" Louis shouted.

My tears are streaming down my face, it really really hurt me. Louis clean my cut and put some band aid on it and the boys continue to watch the movie.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked.

"Yes. Better than okay." I replied smiling.

"Why?" He asked giving me a weird look that makes him really cute.

"You think you can make me force to tell you the reason why I'm feeling better with that look?" I asked chuckling a little bit.

He laughed silently, "I can get a girl with this look."

"But not me." I said shaking my head. "I mean, I'm not going to tell you why I feel better!" I said.

The reason why I'm better is because there is someone that was always there. And that person is Louis.

"Let's go and watch the movie." I said to him pulling his hand to the living room.

We sat on the couch with Niall. I'm sitting between Louis and Niall. Honestly, the movie was boring for me but the boys seems to enjoy it. I'm having fun with them. And I'm excited for tomorrow because I'm going to see the beautiful

surroundings of London.


Sorry for the late update! Thanks for the votes :)

I will always love the Directioners!

~ EllaBear <3

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