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I was worried sick about Isabella to say the least. As soon as she fainted her head hit the ground so hard that blood was coming out the back of her head. We were now at the hospital for the second time in this past week and I had to make the dreaded call to James. I knew that Isabella wasn't allowed out of the house, and I know that James knows, I know so he is going to be super angry at both me and Isabella for because we went out to the lake behind his back.

I kept hold of Isabella's hand as she lay peacefully on the bed, she looked so beautiful, but now wasn't the time to be distracted by her looks. I got my phone out of my pocket and went onto James' contact, I stared at my phone screen for a couple of minutes wondering how on earth I was supposed to tell him that something had happened to his sister but I couldn't hide it from him. I sighed before pressing the call button, holding the phone to my ear.

The phone was on the eighth ring, maybe he was busy? But straight after I thought that, he picked up his phone, you could tell he was asleep because he sounded slightly annoyed. 'What d'you want, Brad?' he asked, expecting a reasonable answer. I still didn't know what to say and James was getting even more annoyed. 'Brad? Are you there? C'mon, seriously dude, what's up?'

'It's Bella.' Was all I could get out, and all that happened out of saying that was James shouting down the phone at me with worry filling his voice. 'James!' I ended up shouting to get his attention. 'Just come to the hospital and I'll tell you everything when you get here.' I told him before hanging up so he couldn't shout at me again.

I sat down on the chair that was right next to the bed so I didn't have to let go of Isabella's hand and stared at her intently. She was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. But I was soon interupted in my little daydream by the door being slammed open, I jumped back in fright, letting go of Isabella's hand in the process.

I looked up and saw James, to say he was unhappy was an understatement. He was absolutely fuming, that if he could have smoke coming out of his ears, it'd be pouring out with how angry he looked. I was very intimidated but instead of doing anything drastic I simply turned to look at the Sleeping Beauty and resumed the positioning of her hand in mine. I could feel James' stare in the back of my head but I ignored it and soon enough James went on the other side of the bed and held Isabella's other hand. Now calmed down he instructed, 'Tell me what happened.' I did exactly that, not leaving anything out.


James stayed sat down with his head in his hand. I could tell that he felt guilty because if he didn't keep her in the house all of the time then she wouldn't have tried to get out, but I could understand why he wanted to keep her there, so she didn't get hurt by Kyle. The irony was so bad, he tried to protect her and now she's in the hospital.

I was stroking Isabella's flaming red hair when the door opened and the doctor walked in, holding her clipboard. I looked at her expectantly, wanting to know why she fainted and how much harm has been done.

'It seems that Isabella fainted due to anxiety. Did she seem worried, nervous or at unease before she fainted?' The doctor asked us, I shook my head, I didn't see her until it was too late and she was about to faint. She could have been worried about Kyle? 'Well, she also has a pretty bad cut on the back of her head, but she should be alright as long as nothing else happens. I'll be back soon to check up on her.' She gave us a obviously fake smile before going out of the door.

A few hours later and the doctor had checked up twice on Isabella so far but she hadn't waken up. I was so tired, it must have been the early hours of the morning now, I closed me eyes and fell instantly asleep.

I then woke up because of the slight pressure on my hand.

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