tom holland: you really are something

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"Any movie ideas in mind?"

"Two actually, but you're not going to like them." You smirked.

"Let's hear it then." Tom internally groaned.  It's not that you have bad taste in's that you enjoy watching him suffer through your romance movies.

"The Notebook." You giggled as Tom glared at you.

"Babe, you know I hate The Notebook," he remarked as you gave him the side eye, secretly admiring the view, "it's literally the most annoying movie of all time.  As in, ever."

"Okay, but I don't understand wh—"

"Just no, okay?"

"Fine.  But you're going to hate my second idea even more."

"Oh god, let me guess...The Fault In Our Stars?  Didn't we watch that last time we had movie night?"

Rolling your eyes, you reply, "Actually Thomas, I was going to recommend Civil War."

"Definitely not.  I hate watching myself on screen, babe."

"Yeah, I know but I think Sebastian is really hot in the film.  Oh, and that Spider-ling guy, isn't too hard on the eyes." You playfully shove his arm, watching him blush.

"I'll allow it on one condition." He sighed.

"And what may that be, Tom?"

"Please don't call me Spider-ling again.  It's Spider-man.  Spider-man."

"As you wish, Spider-man." Winking, you jump out of Tom's embrace on the couch and go to make some popcorn as Tom gets the movie ready.

Once you had everything situated, you grab several giant blankets and go to sit (well...cuddle) with Tom.

Halfway through the movie, which has consisted of lots of back rubs and catching popcorn pieces in mouths, you finally get to the scene you've been waiting for.

"Whatta babe!!" You scream at the television, causing Tom to jump in surprise.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not even on screen yet." Tom joked.

"I was talking about Seb and Chris, you dork.  Look at those fine specimen!" You exclaimed.

"I'm hotter than them."

"Well I wouldn't go that far," you joke with Tom, knowing full well it was frustrating him, "Look at Seb's eyes and manly.  And Chris' lips, ooh—"

You were cut off by Tom smashing his lips onto yours.  Caught off guard you gasped in surprise and Tom deepened the kiss.  As much as you were enjoying this, you made the kiss come to an end, not wanting to miss Tom on screen.

Even though he hates seeing himself on screen, you love it.  Seeing him in his element was the cutest thing in the world for you.

"Babe? Shut up." Tom said cheekily, referring back to your Sebastian and Chris outbreak before the kiss.  You grinned and pecked him on the lips once more, before snuggling back up close to him.

Tom came on screen, with Peter's geekiness in all its shinning glory.  You felt him squirm uncomfortably besides you, but chose not to say anything.

Finally, it's time for the final epic battle scene and you tense up watching in awe as your boyfriend flies through the air and battles the other Avengers.

Tom notices your awed expression and kisses you on the forehead, happy to see you enjoying his acting.

The movie ends and the both of you are too lazy to get up, so with the credits rolling you decide to ask him why he doesn't like watching his own films.

Tom contemplates the question for a few minutes before answering. "I think it's because I don't like being someone else.  Yeah, I love playing Spider-man and I'm so grateful for having this role, but I wish people knew the real me.  The dorky me that likes playing with Tess and joking around with you and Haz."

Tom drags the sentence off to an end and looks at his hands in embarrassment.  You put your hands on either side of Tom's soft, sweet face and bring his head up to look at you.

"Thomas Stanley Holland, I have had the absolute privilege of knowing you for five years.  Five years, Tom.  And look at all the wonderful things you've done.  You managed to land a role as freaking Spider-man and have your own movie coming up!  I'm beyond proud of you and hope you're proud of yourself, because you should be.  You deserve the world.  Don't ever be ashamed of who you are or who you are acting; do what makes you happy and hold onto it forever."

Tom breaks out into a full-blown grin as he stares at you lovingly. 

"You," he leans in for a kiss, his minty breath fanning over your face, "are the most wonderful human being on this entire earth.  I'm so thankful to have met you, love."

You and Tom lean in, lips gently pressing together as you feel Tom smiling on your lips.  You smile in return and Tom falls back into the couch bringing you with him.  Giggling, you push Tom's hair out of his face so you can see his brilliant eyes better.

"You really are something, Y/N."

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