Art VS. "Art"

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Violet's POV

Kankuro was the person who found Kiba.

I was rounding my millionth corner, on the verge of swearing for the first time in my life. Ari was the big cusser in our family, and Scar cursed sometimes. Me? I didn't want a potty mouth!

But my mouth dropped when I found Kankuro dragging Kiba by his ankles through the streets, with the Inuzuka only half dressed.

"Kitty!" I admonished as I ran up to him. It was close to dawn and I was tired. I felt like I was gonna collapse any second, and I was swaying on my feet. But I still managed to pout angrily when Kankuro looked up at me.

"What?" was all he said.

I crossed my arms and frowned at him. "We do not drag people around against their will!"

He shrugged and released his hold on Kiba, who promptly fell onto his butt in the dirt. He groaned, his eyes only just fluttering open.

"Wha' happened?" he slurred.

I smiled brightly despite my fatigue. "Sorry, Kiba, Kankuro doesn't have any manners. Did we wake you?"


"Sorry!" I chirped. "But we need your help...." My smile slipped then, and I could feel the tears welling up in my wide eyes. Kiba went slack-jawed at the sight and quickly scrambled to his feet. Before he could ask what was wrong, however, we all the heard the sound of high-pitched barking, and Akamaru came barrelling out of nowhere and leaped for Kiba's chest. The two of them went sprawling in the dirt. You know, again.

"Hey buddy! Sorry I left. Some... friends needed my help." Kiba, his hand smoothing through the Ninken's soft fur, looked up at me quizzically, gently prodding me to go on.

I swallowed tightly. One hand came up to cover my mouth as a sob built up in my throat. I fought it back down and focused on the obviously worried boy in front of me. "Kiba.... can you track Ari's scent for me?"

"Ari?" He perked up immediately, getting to his feet faster than most people would've thought possible. "What happened to Ari?" His voice was as tight as mine, but his throat was closed from anger at whoever had caused my sister possible harm.

"I.... I don't know," I whispered.

Kiba didn't need further encouragement; he threw back his head and took several deep whiffs of the air. While he searched in a way only an Inuzuka could, I inched closer to Kankuro. Being so tired only made the worry weigh on me more, and I think he noticed me slipping. His arm came around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. 

I would have been suprised if I wasn't so out of it.

Suddenly, Kiba jerked around, muscles poised to run.

"That way," he growled.

I looked up at Kankuro, who was already watching me. "What about Temari and Gaara?"

"We're here!"

Temari glided down from some high building on her fan, which she strapped to her back the second her feet touched the ground. Not a second later, Gaara swirled into existence to the left of me and Kankuro. I gave him a small smile, knowing how torn up he must have been about Scar. He may not have shown it on the outside, but he cared for my sister. I knew it, Ari knew and maybe Scar did too now. 

He glared at the ground and refused to meet my eyes.

With I sigh, I edged away from Kankuro and motioned for Kiba to lead us to where he'd picked up Ari's scent. He took off like a shot, and the four of us were left to follow. 

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