The Hexagon Turns Into A... (What Number Is This?)

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Ari's POV

None of us were sure how to deal with the arrival of Suki Tsukino. But staring up at the third story window like creepers didn't seem that great an idea, so Scar dragged me and Vi off to the front of the building to wait for the Sand Siblings.

"Should we tell them?" I asked, shoving my hands into my fluff-lined pockets. Scar paused a moment to think, then shook her head with a resigned sigh. "I think that would only serve to make things more complicated," she said, looking at us helplessly. “Suki’s never met the Sand Siblings, not before the Exams. She shouldn’t have any issues with them.”

“You know,” I said thoughtfully, looking down as I scuffed my heel into the dirt. "This is the latest chapter, isn't it?"

Scar looked up, eyes widening ever so slightly. Wow. Looks like I figured something out before she did. I wanted to do my epic happy dance right then and there, but then the doors opened, and a bunch of scarred-for-life Genin filed out into the streets. Ah, Anko. Damn we'd missed her!

I spotted Kiba in the crowd, walking with his hands linked behind his head. Hinata and Shino were with him, and he was laughing. I smiled to myself, and without a word to my sisters, jogged up to him. "Hey, Kiba," I said, grinning at him. He flashed his own canin grin, and I wanted to fangirl scream so badly. "You and your sisters were pretty entertaining," he chuckled, looking past me to where Scar and Vi were waiting. I turned to look, and received an annoyed glare from Scar, and a giggle-and-wave combo from Vi. 

"We're just epic like that," I replied and he raised a brow. To this, I grinned evilly for no apparent reason, and he sweat dropped.

"Anyway," he said, drawing out the word a little awkwardly. He waved off his teammates, who looked baffled but heeded his request and walked off. I noticed Hinata blushing as she looked back at me. She was more than a little nervous when it came to me being around. When I first saw her (after waking up from my Kiba-induced faint) I glomped her so spectacularly, it defied the laws of nature. Meaning, I almost squeezed the life out of the timid Hyuga. Maybe Ari was right; I should work on my self-control.

"How was the Exam?" I asked eagerly. He opened his mouth to answer, but clamped it shut when his eyes drifted off to the side. Confused, I cocked my head and followed his gaze.

Oh hell no.

Suki was walking past, sashaying like she was the goddamn Queen of England. Oh, wait. How old's the Queen? Er, I highly doubt she'd be sashaying anywhere, let along in a supposedly fictional anime universe. 

Suki looked up and caught sight of Kiba. A flirty smile graced her lips as she batted her eyes seductively, clearly wanting to see his reaction. He blushed furiously, wrenching his gaze away from her and focusing back on me. Suki kept walking, giving me a wary glance as she went, before she disappeared into the crowd. 

I found her though.

I was this close to unleashing my Sand Hurricane (which had proven to be quite deadly to a startling amount of straw dummies) on the bitch when Scar stopped me. With chakra strings. I froze mid-kick, my foot just inches from colliding with her ivory-haired head. Of course, she took no notice of me and continued walking, catching up to her team after a moment. Team Kakashi, to be exact. 

"Why'd you stop me?!" I demanded when she released me, stepping in front of me to block my view of the girl I suddenly despised. I briefly wondered when Scar had even had the time to learn chakra strings from Kankuro. She'd trained with Gaara, mostly, and I couldn't remember her ever even speaking to the black-clad Ninja. Then again, there was those three days when I had severe food poisoning from eating Kankuro's cooking.... Yeah, she probably leaned when I was violently upchucking in the upstairs toilet.

Three Fangirls VS. the Naruto World (Naruto Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon