Chunin Exams....

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Ari's POV

"Scar, she tried to bite me!"

"I know Ari, I'm sorry. But until this obsession is out of her system..."

"When will that be? By the time Shippuden starts?!"

"Don't be overdramatic."

"My sister just tried to take my hand off! I think this qualifies as a time to be overdramatic!!"

"Well, what do you propose we do? Loose her on the innocent citizens of Konoha?"



I sighed, leaning against the wall. Scar and I were outside of the inn we were staying at, listening to Violet freak out inside her room. We'd tied her to a chair to keep her from using hand signs and getting to Lee. The last time I went in there to give her lunch, she tried to eat my hand like a rabid dog!

It had been like this for.... I lost count. Ever since we burned her jumpsuit, she'd been going crazy. Well, crazier. Violet was never quite sane, in my opinion. Of course, in Scar's opinion, neither was I. In any case, if this was how she acted when she met Lee for ten minutes, I didn't even want to think about what she'd be like if we ever met Tobi. Though I had a feeling if we did, Scar would gouge his eye through the one hole in his stupid orange mask.

"Can't you put her under a Genjutsu?" I asked, lifting my drooping head enough to meet Scar's eyes. She crossed her arms, frowning thoughtfully. At least she was considering my idea. With Violet like this, I couldn't be the exuberant spazz I loved being. She took up all the crazy allowed in the family.

After a while, Scar shook her head. She looked at me regretfully. "Genjutsu isn't a special of Suna," she said. "I was only taught what the Sand Siblings knew, and to be perfectly honest, it wasn't much. I never learned anything like..... like what Kabuto uses in the final round of the Exams, to put the stadium's audience to sleep. If I'd been taught that, this would be no problem at all."

"Well, I can't take much more of this." I indicated the spazzing blonde still trapped in our room with a jerk of my thumb. "So can we at least have a break? The Sand Siblings left forever ago for the first part of the Exams. I say we go watch them cheat epically!"

Scar gave me an exasperated look. One I was seriously familiar with. "We can't leave with Violet caterwauling like this, Ari," she said, rubbing her temple like she was trying to alleviate a massive headache. I couldn't blame her; Vi was almost screeching about how unfair we were and how much she missed her Lee-kun and her jumpsuit. It still sounded like normal Vi though, so the threats and insults were incredibly lame.

"Oh come on!" I pleaded, giving her puppy-dog eyes that paled in comparison to Vi's signature pout. I pushed off the wall, crouched down, and looked up into my sister's eyes. She raised a brow. "Haven't you always wanted to pretend we weren't your sisters? Here's your chance! Let's just say we don't know Vi! Just for a little while? PLEASE?!?"

She grabbed me by the front of my jacket and deftly pulled me up to my natural height, before pinching the bridge of her nose, in what appeared to be deep irritation. She looked up at me, our two-inch height difference requiring her to do so. "The Exam is on the third floor, right?" she asked.

I broke into a grin so wide, my face hurt.

So with that, we slunk away from the hotel and wandered around Konoha, looking for the Academy where the tests were being held. It's weird, but I hadn't gone looking for the Academy yet, even though I loved Iruka. Not the same way I loved Kiba, that'd just be creepy. Then again, I think I was in love with Kakashi as well.... who Scar met! Ugh, I was so jealous when she told me, I almost forgot about our Violet problem. If it'd been me, I would have ripped his mask down and revealed his (hopefully) freakishly good-looking face the second I saw him. And probably would've gotten a Chidori in the gut for my trouble.... Alright, maybe it wasn't that bad that Scar was the one who met him. I mean, she--

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