Overwatch : The liar and the chance of a new life.

Start from the beginning

He pushed the first gun away from the guys hand and kicked the other away and turned around to grab his katana. He twisted and slashed the first guys throath and the other in the knee and quickly chopping his head in mid air of. He runned at creeper who pulled a gun out but he slashed his hand of.
Ah take that rais. I mean creeper !
He jammed his sword through the man stomach making him drop to his knee's. Then he pulled it out and stabbed it down in the top of his head and making the hole blade disepear in the guys head and body.

The corpse did't fall over it sat in the same postitie but (y/n) let himself fall on his back taking in what he just did.

(Y/n) : its done he is dead.
Unknown to him the time seemed to stop, the clouds did't move the blood stopped leaking nothing moved anymore but he was to hard in his thought to notice.
(Y/n) thought : what am i gonna do now i can't go back now not what after i just did.

He closed his eyes but opended them again when he heard a voice.
??? : so its you who will be my champion
He stood up and looked around for the source of the sound this one was deeper and had a more evil thing in it.
(Y/n) : who are you what you mean your champion ?!
??? : im your god and you are my new champion
The hole area got dark expect the place he stood.
(Y/n) : champion for what and why me ?!
??? : i have been looking for my warrior who would bring back what rightfully mine.
(Y/n) : and why would i do that ?!
??? : because i will reward you with answers and a better life a life of your dreams.
(Y/n) : truth ? About what ? Show yourself !
??? : as you wish

Out of nowhere a black and red portal appeared where a big and amored guy walked out.
He wore black armor that covered his complete body together with a helmet with horns. He had two dragon wings on his back together with a gigantic sword. his hand weren't covert so you could see that they had scales. His eyes were glowing red and the only thing you could see of his face.

(Y/n) fell on his back because of the strange man who appeared out of nowhere.
Alduin : i am alduin don't worry my son i will not harm you.
His tone changed it was still deep but had now a more caring and nicer tone in it.
(Y/n) : alduin ?
Alduin : yes the god of oblivion and your parents god.
(Y/n) : my parents ?

Alduin stood finally in front of him and pulled him up by his schoulders while (y/n) had a curios look mixed with fear
Alduin : yes everbody believes in something and your parent in me, making them live in oblivion which is not so bad as it sounds.
(Y/n) : so you know my parent ?
Hope gave his eyes light.
Alduin : yes and there proud of who you are.
Even after everything that happend a smile broke across his face.
Alduin : you are powerfull kid you have what i need
(Y/n) : to returns what yours but why me and what you want ?
Alduin : my power you have to hunt the demons who stole my streng and fled to a another demension.

It sounded strange but he really wanted to hear it.
(Y/n) : im listening.
Alduin started to walk around
Alduin : do you know the game overwatch ?
(Y/n) : yeah what does this have to do with video game ?
Alduin : its not a video game well it is here but there is a demension where they are real and there have the traitors run of to.
(Y/n) could't believe his eyes it was real in that case he would love to go there and meet overwatch.

Alduin : because they stole my streng i can't fight them but you can. you have to go there and kill them and then my streng will return.
(Y/n) : and if a rufuse ?
Alduin : the you can go but you lose a big chance.
He waited for (y/n) to speak but when he did't say anything alduin guessed that he wanted to hear about the rewards.
Alduin : if you accept i will reward you with powers the chance to be a hero and to have a better life in the world of overwatch.

That sounded amazing but he needed to know more.
(Y/n) : if i go what do i have to expect.
Alduin : the demons have allied them selfs with the overwatch agents enemies you have to help overwatch to win because you are the only one that can kill them with your new blade.

He pointed his arm to the katana who slowy rised from the skull only the the blade was red and not because of blood.
It flew towards the sheath who also rised and slowy covered the blade but where the blade touched was changed the sheath to metal with skulls on it. When its was done the steath was morped in one of metal and thicker.

The blade suddenly flyed past him in the hand of alduin

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The blade suddenly flyed past him in the hand of alduin.
Alduin : this will be your weapon made to kill demons and to bring my streng back. His name is blood sucker.

He hold out the sword with both hand towards (y/n).
Alduin : accept the blade and you accept my offer so do you take it ?

(Y/n) thought about it here was his chance to become a hero and if his parents believed in this guy he would make them proud by accepting. Yes there were dangers but he believed he could face them and survived.

He walked over to alduin and carefully took he the sword from the men hands.
(Y/n) : i accept
Alduin : you are making the right choice.

Suddenly his arm got covered in purple flames and he slammed it in (y/n) chest and turned around taking (y/n) with him but he could catch a glimpse of his body falling liveless on the ground.
He looked down and saw he was nothing more than a blue ghost but he had still the katana in his hand.
Alduin : i will gave you a new body for your advertures ahead simelair to that of you own only older and stronger.
A red portal appeared on the ground Which you could't see through.
Alduin : go get my streng back and rememder two things im watching over you and so are you proud parents.

He dropped the kid in the portal that disepeared after (y/n) went throught it.

Well thats was something tanks crane for the video
Kyle : your welcome
Rais : crrraaaaannnneeeee
Kyle : shit
Give him a enterhook
Kyle : thanks
say jade i say'd hey

Anyway tell me what you think

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