Real love is always chaotic.

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Chris: Did Kenny say something?

She gulped and I know it's because of Ken. I placed my hand on hers and squeezed it. Immediately her eyes betrayed her and a tear escaped.

Chris: Hey.. hey Cara.. it's okay. You don't have to cry. She is a very foolish girl and she is capable of doing many stupid things. Don't hurt yourself because of her.

Cara: It's just so.. Chris, my mother had once told me.. there are two types of people I'll meet and fall in love with. First, will give me the life I want and the second will give me the love I desire. I am lucky.. I am lucky that I love someone who can and will give me both and that someone is Kendall. I fell for her before and I fell for her again, this time I fell for her hard... and I don't think I can do anything about it.

Chris: That's the problem of this generation. You fall for each other. It's always one sided. Walk into love with her. Falling breaks your limbs and the impact never leaves you the same again.

Cara: But its such a chaos!! Earlier when she loved me she couldn't walk further because she had commitments to fulfill. And now that she loves me.. she does, as if I am some kind of an alien who needs her care. I am something which is far from her reach, and the way she acts. It shows. She wants to reach and grab my hand but she is afraid. Afraid of you.

Chris: Cara. I never stopped Kendall from loving anyone. It was always her choice. The choice of being straight, lesbian or bisexual. I have always supported her decision and I will continue doing that. It was her decision earlier and it is also her decision now. Nick dated a guy. After two dates he realised it's not for him. He saw that he is straight and has inclination only for women. Kenny knew that earlier. If she had chosen to be with you I would have been more than happy. I will be perfectly fine if she chooses to be with you now.

Cara: But then why is she not... ughhh... This is a mess!! A chaos.. is there some secret formula to a happy love which I don't know about?

Chris: Real love is always chaotic Cara. You lose control; You lose perspective. You lose the ability to protect yourself from falling. The greater the love.. the greater is the chaos. It's a given. And that's the secret formula..

I said the last part in humour. They both love each other and still can't be together.

The bell rang and Cara opened it and let Ken in. She saw me and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and ruflled her hair.

Chris: Where are you roaming around leaving Cara alone?

Kendall: I had to meet Harry.

I smiled and we sat down to talk. Kenny introduced me to Cara and we acted like we just didn't had a serious conversation. It was time for my dinner. I have to leave now so that I can catch the plane back on time.

Chris: I have to leave now. I have to get dinner before getting on the plane back to California.

Kendall: Now!? No please stay for dinner. We'll have dinner together. And I am also done here. Cara is perfect now. I can leave with you. I'll go with you to California.

Chris: What? No. Stay.. Why?

Kendall: I have been here for three weeks. I am sure you are having trouble there without me.

Kendall's eyes looked pleading. She wanted to go with me. It's in her eyes.

Cara on the other hand is about to cry. She is barely keeping it together. Her eyes are filled with hurt.

Chris: I have to go to my hotel to pack. So you two have your dinner together and I will meet you in the airport.

I gave Cara a look that said 'say everything before she leaves' I hope Cara does. And I think she will. She will finally express her love for Kendall.


Cara's POV

Chris gave me the 'confess everything' look and left, leaving behind a stupid Kendall.

Kendall: We can't go out.. so what do you want to order? Is Chinese okay?

She looked at me and then started dialing the number. She ordered the food and kept the phone down.

Kendall: Till the food comes... I'll pack my stuff.

She said not looking at me. I continued to stare down. She in such a hurry to leave. Should I stop her? Should I confess my feelings...

I don't know how long I sat on the couch staring at the television my concentration in negative.

Kendall: Cara!! The guy has been ringing the bell for so long. Why didn't you open the door.

Her voice got me out of my trance and I looked at her, she was holding the bag in her hands. I licked my lips and gulped hard.

Kendall: Cara? Is there something wrong? You have been awfully quiet.

Cara: No. No.. uhm I was.. nothing. Le-let's eat.

Kendall put the bag on the counter and walked towards me. She placed her hand on my shoulder and crouched down in front of me.

Kendall: Cara?

She lifted my chin up and gasped.

Kendall: Why are you crying? Are you hurting somewhere? Is anything paining??

My heart. That is what is paining. A sudden rage filled me. I wiped my tears and stood up.

Cara: Why do you care? You are going back to California today. What do you have to worry about?

Kendall: I care. I worry about you Cara.

Cara: LIE! EVERYTHING YOU SAID IS A LIE. You ditched me to have a stupid little date with some stupid guy you met at the hospital. You jumped on the opportunity to leave this country and leave me... YOU DON'T CARE. YOU NEVER DID!

Kendall: Cara!! I didn't go to a date with Harry. He is Janice's brother! He needed some pictures of Janice with me. I went to give them to him. He needed it for a gift for Janice's birthday. It's tomorrow. That's why it was urgent and I ditched you. Trust me Cara... you are the last person I would want to hurt.

Cara: I am still on the list though. Am I not?

She looked down and I could see her clenching her jaw. She does that a lot..

Kendall: Please let's forget it and have dinner in peace. I don't want to spend my last hours with you fighting.

She led me to the table and gave me the chopsticks to eat. We ate in silence. When we were done she gave me the instructions about the medicines I still have to take and told me she left all her sweatshirts and shirts for me to wear.

Cara: Thank you.

She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her tight memorising every inch of her body. God knows when I will meet her next.

Kendall: Take care.

I nodded and she left smiling. I stared at the spot even after the door closed.

God gave me Another chance and I royally screwed it up again.



You might want to keep me alive till I update the Epilogue.

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