Special X Announcement!!!

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It's been 1 week since I almost burned the school and started school with my twin, And I have to admit this school's pretty awesome!. Well of course not as awesome as me but.....


Even though it's been 1 week I haven't really memorized the whole school, *mumbles* that's why I always get lost......

And about my classmates?, well there all super OKAY!, there really fun to be with honesty. Especially Zac, Gon, Masaru's gang (together with Fumio & Kazuo) & unexpectedly Fluffy.

My twin and I also learned that Mr. Leorio is a really HUGE pervert!

Also, ever since the whole school knew that I almost burned our school building I become really FAMOUS!

I'm popular towards some girls coz of my 'confidence' as the rumors say, I'm popular towards guys coz of my *flips hair* fabulous-ness & I'm really really famous towards delinquents coz of my awesomeness!

Though I'm really infamous towards students that are the 'would rather die than to damage the school' kind and especially Killua, Gon & my twin's fangirls.

That's also the reason why my twin is always close to me......

Oh!, and did I mention that (T/N) is also very famous towards girls!, he has so many fan girls though Fluffy's fan girls are much more many....

Now I'm currently in the TLE room with my classmates and our TLE teacher, Ms. Menchi.

"Okay listen up everyone!!!"

*All became quiet*

"Good, for today I will be dividing all of you into 5 groups with 4 members each. I'll be picking 5 students to be leader. And the leaders will b-"

*raises hand*

"*sigh* No (Y/N) your not gonna be a leader..."

"Eh?!!, WHY NOT?!?!!" I questioned but instead of Ms. Menchi, (T/N) answered

"Sorry to burst your bubble (N/N) but your TERRIBLE at cooking....."

"NO I'M NOT!!!" then my classmates started laughing and sweat dropping coz of what (T/N) said

"~Yes you are shortie~" the stupid fluffy haired old man teased

"*crosses arms* Well how can you tell that I am horrible at cooking?

"*shrugs shoulder* Just a guess"

'Grr....he's so annoying!' I was about to say some thing when Ms. Menchi interrupted

"Enough! Now group 1's leader will be Haruki-,

'How come he's always a leader'

"-Group 2's leader will be Kazuo-" then he started high 'fiving' his friends.

"-Group 3's leader will be Makina, Group 4's leader will be Yuko and last but not the least Group 5's leader will be (T/N)"

'I'm not surprised that my twin's a leader at this kind of stuff, he is really good at cooking' I though happily then I felt someone nudge my arm.

"Hey wanna have a competition between my group and yours?" So the fluff head wants to challenge me at this kinda stuff?

"Eh....maybe I'll pass..."

"*smirks* ~Come on shortie~. Fine then let's make a deal then, who ever wins will get to order the loser anytime they want but the winner will only have 1 request. ~So it's a deal?~

'He must've something up his sleeve to be proposing such challenge, I don't want him to think that I'm backing out and 'I am' horrible at cooking and I can't afford to lose coz that stupid smirk in his stupid face says the thing that he'll make me do.....'

Naughty Hearts (Playboy!Killua X Troublemaker!Reader AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें