Maybe Not

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I woke up and just layed in the hotel bed a little longer before I got out of bed doing my hygiene. After I was done getting dressed in the bathroom I exited the bathroom to see an empty bed.

"Hope" I called out for her but didn't get no answer. I knew she was in bed before I left why isn't she here now. I searched our entire hotel room before worry came over me. I ran out the hotel room going down stairs to where they serve breakfast. I looked everywhere. I went to the front desk asking and describing Hope to him. He said no he haven't seen her and asked me if he wanted to call 911 but I told him to hold off a little longer because she might be here in the hotel. I ran back to our room hopping she would have been back but when I got to the room she wasn't. I was about to leave the room again when I saw my phone on the dresser it then hit me Hope got a phone to. I dialed her number, it rang twice before I heard her voice.

"Hope!" I yelled as I got happy that she was ok  and it went away as anger and worry came over replacing my happiness. "Where are you!" I yelled in the phone.

"Calm down I just went down the hall to get some more crushed ice." she said. I did forget she likes to eat ice. She eat ice like its nothin. She been eating ice for the longest I. She like addicted I guess you can call it.

I sign and told her next time tell me when she leaves.

When Hope walked back in the room eating her ice all I could do was shake my head .

"Mya" Hope called my name getting my attention as I looked at her to continue. "You know that Summer camp I always wanted to go to when we used to live with Miss Lynn?" she asked as I shook my head yes. "Well I was wondering if I can go to it this summer."

"Girl of course I want you to be happy if you want any thing jus ask and don't be scared to ask." I told her. "When do this summer camp start and remind me what type of camp is it."

"Its starts Next week and its a boy and girl camp. It s a camp where you can meet new people." she informed me.

"OK ill fill out the paper work and pay so don't worry bout that but we do need to go shoppin."

"actually can we do that tomorrow my friend from my old school is moving to another state and today is the last day she's here and her mom said we could hang out can we?" she asked

"Yeah do you know where she lives' like her address." I asked as Hope grabbed my phone putting the girls address in my GPS.


 "Ill see you later call me when you ready to leave." I told Hope as she got out my car and went up to the house as I pulled off.

I pulled up to the gas station and sat in my car and decide to call Jason. It rang a little before he answered

"Speak" he said simply

"Its umm Mya."

"Mya? we know each other ?" he asked. Dang he forgot me already?

"We meet at the Connor store and then again at the hotel." I reminded him.

"Oh yeah I remember yo shawty. You finally called a nigga." he said chuckling through the phone.

"Well you wanna hang out today?"

"Yeah coo meet me at the mall in an 20 minutes." he said hanging up.

I got my gas them headed to the mall.


I walked in the mall when I was about to call Jason to see where he was but instead I heard someone calling my name. I looked up to see Jason walking my way.

"Hey shawty" Jason hugged me as I hugged back. "Come on" he pulled me into a store.

After we was done shopping we went to the food court ordering some sub sandwiches.  

We was eating when this random female came to the table

"You left me for this" the girl said looking at Jason and pointing at me.

"Maybe I should leave..." I was cut off by this female.

"Maybe you should" she said rolling her eyes at me like I did something to her.

"Nahh sit!" Jason yelled at me as we gained eyes from different people. "And Keisha leave before you lose yo job." he said with his jaw clenched talking low. She looked scared and replied with a simple nod and walked off faster than when she first ran to the table. "Lets go I lost my appetite." He got up walking off.  and out the mall. I was struggling to keep up. "Follow me" He said over his shoulder.

"Where to ?" I asked but was to late because he had already got in his car. I hurried to my car. As he drove off I followed as I was told to.

We pulled up to this house. He got out of his car motioning me to follow. Man I was getting tire of following this nigga. I got out my car walkin behind Jason and into the house.

It was a lot of people in here. Everyone was just laughing and joking. It got quiet when Jason walked in.  As all eyes was on us now.

"Wassup this is Mya" Jason introduced me to everyone as he sat down as I did the same.

We was here less than ten minutes before I heard gun shots and bullets flying. I was so scared. I layed on the ground just to be pulled back up by Jason he pulled me to a back room where some people from earlier came in.

We stayed in the back room until the shots stopped and heard the people shooting pull off making their tires burn rubber.

We walked out the room see that no was was hit but the house looked a mess. Windows was busted, the walls had bullet holes picture frames busted and the couches had hole from the bullets.

I heard everyone cuss under their breath as I just looked shocked and scared. I was standing their letting everything process in my head when Jason walked up behind me whispering in my ear.

"You know I saved you right." he said as I nodded. If he didn't pull me up and to the back room I could have been hit if it wasn't for him, I thought. "So you know what that means now, Right?" he asked me confusing me. As I looked up at him. "You owe me" he said grinning walkin out the house as I followed. And hopped in his car I as I hopped in my car. Good thing I parked across the street.

As I was driving I thought what Jason meant by owing him. What he want money or something?

What do you thing Jason mean by Mya owing him??

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