
"Pass me the clean sponge and the the purple paint."
I reach my arm out and he sits them down in it." What are you doing anyways?"
"Painting." He rolls his eyes and I put some of the paint on the back of my hand before dabbing the sponge in the back of my hand and pat the purple over the black all the wall to the top of the wall and look back at him." Pink." He sighs and hands me the tin and I put it beside the purple and pat the sponge into it before going over the purple in some parts, dabbing at it so the colors blend well." Blue- light." I do it with many colors and sigh when I get to the star part." Small paintbrush and white." I bite my lip as I take them and slightly sip the brush inside the ribs and begin to put small stars everywhere in the galaxy, making sure their all not to spread out but not to clustered. I pause before taking the paint brush off the wall, very carefully and look at my miniature galaxy bursting out of a painted book.
"Not bad baby. Not bad at all."
I ignore him and get down from the latter, making sure all the paint tubes are sealed before putting them back down in my bag.
"You must like my nicknames. You're not saying anything to make me feel different."
I look him straight in the eyes, my face blank and probably showing all my exhaustion with putting up with his flirting." You can't plan a murder out loud." I grab my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and picking up the latter." I'm done!" I holler out to the librarian and I hear her metal chair scrape against the tile floor before her footsteps approach. I meet her halfway and give her a bright smile before saying," I should be going. My dad's going to be here in twenty minutes."
She nods and gives me a small hug, before drifting off behind me to look at the painting. I stare at the books I pass as I head to the library doors, and look at its new self before going out and into the hallway. "Asher."
I stiffen and turn as Sebastian comes out of the door." What do you want now?"
He rolls his eyes and comes near me. " A hug from my precious." He wraps his arms around me and I try to push my way out but his hand goes down to my hip and pulls me close enough so I can't get out of his hold." You smell good you know that? You always smell good." He sniffs my neck slightly and a shiver goes down my when his cold nose hits the skin. I feel his chest move as he chuckles into my ear then whispers," I think Precious liked that. Is that your weakness? You're neck?" He kisses my earlobe then goes down to my neck, the feeing washing over me again fooling me into actually like his hold." Maybe I should've done this a long time ago."
I jerk back out of his arms and scowl at him." Don't ever take advantage of me like that again." I scold out and run my neck with my hand, getting rid of the feeing of his breath on it.
"Take advantage of you? Precious all I did was kiss your neck. Not slip drugs into my pudding pops."
"I don't like rape jokes- especially about Bill Cosby. And it has the same affect on me so shut up and leave me alone."
He stares into my eyes, his pupils seeming to get larger as his eyes go darker." It turns me on when you talk like that. Especially when your eyes are filled with that much lust. If I was you I wouldn't get into a car with your dad any time soon- you have a hickey."
I gasp before sliding my hair around my neck and running down the hall to the bathroom. I rush in and lock the door behind me before going to the mirror and moving back my hair. I freeze at the slightly red skin and pray that it doesn't leave an impression or stay. I can't have a hickey. No it's just not me. I smile slightly before reaching into my book bag out and getting some foundation and spreading it over my neck." I hate you." I grunt out to Sebastian even though he's not in here and begin to smooth the foundation out so it isn't that noticeable. I close my eyes and shake my head multiple times trying to make everything go away. Thank god the days over with at least. I reopen them and give one last look in the mirror before slipping out again, and yell when I see a figure in front of me. He takes a step back in surprise and I blush when I see it's Xavier." Haha! Funny seeing you here.... Wait. Why are you here?"
"Because I have to use the bathroom. My biggest question is why were you in the boys bathroom. Transvestite or
"What? No this is the-" I open the door back open to see a guy standing at a urinal, looking at the door in wide eyes and blush insanely." What the hell! Can't this day get any worse?"
"Awh,is princess feeling down? Come over here baby and I'll cheer you up." I hear the devil say and look behind Xavier to see him standing with a smirk on his face." If you wanted us to go inside the bathroom, I had no problem with letting us have a little privacy."
I scowl at him, shooting imaginary dagger at him which he easily lets slide by." Go drink bleach ." I hiss out and fly past the two, kicking Sebastian in the leg before filly leaving." And stop talking to me.." I tell him as I round the corner and go down the hallway to outside. Thank god tomorrow is the last day of school for the week.
I slip past the big doors and pause when I see Hana and Daniel sucking faces. I let it all slide for now, as I'm to mad to function, and walking past the two." Dad's going to be here in five- wait. Nope there he is." They jump a part from each other, Hana with a blush on her cheeks. I glance at dad's car as it comes to a stop in the parking lot and stalk past them, my footsteps being heavy with the force in putting into each stomp." We need to go before I get arrested for murder." With that I walk across the parking lot and going to dad's car, feeling the gaze of the boys in the parking lot in it as I go to the passenger side. Hana says something to Daniel before running after me and stopping by my side.
"Asher I-"
"Don't care what you have to say to me. I'm mad at fucktard and just want to take a nap. Get in the car." She nods and slides behind my seat into the back and I sit down into my seat before slamming the door close and buckling up.
"How many years in prison for murdering someone on school grounds?"

Short I know, but I'm having to make this one short because of my free time right now. I have to do my Spanish homework,finish a project, and also take a shower. I don't like having short chapter like this, I usually will only settle for three thousand but since I am so busy there's nothing I can really do. Hopefully you understand.
Question: How tall are you?
Five foot, nine inches. How tall are you?
Interesting fact: I like to draw and am pretty good at it... Sometimes. Ive actually thought about making an art book in here but I really don't have the time to do that. So it may come in the future wen I'm done with this book. And this book will be very long, considering j don't plan on making a sequel- just having everything in one story and together. I might do a story about the generation to come but who knows right now. Tell me what you think of the sequel idea though. And also please comment who you think the characters could be, what you think may go down in this story, and tell me what you think of this story. I really want comments so I know if I'm in the right track with writing and keeping you guys( the readers) entertained. That's kind of the biggest reason I write, is to entertain people and write stories that not only I like/ but that other people may like. So don't be afraid to comment, vote- though I dint I deserve it with this chapter- and stay awesome. See you next update beautiful people.(I just imagine Marilyn Manson saying that to you all/ I'm sorry. It was meant to be friendly not creepy and cool)

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