"So he's a new kid... Meaning I haven't meet him yet and most likely don't know him? I don't like that. I thought it was that Daniel kid or that Cody boy."
I whip around and shoot a glare at him before yelling," What! I hate Daniels guts! And Cody isn't even in any of my classrooms. Plus I don't like him like that! He's annoying as well and I let Hana have him."

"Wait. You let Hana have him? Meaning you once had him? Asher do I need to talk to you about the birds and bees again?" I widen my eyes and shout a forceful no at him, which I'm sure the nurses outside could hear. I don't need to live through that again. My father is obviously a first time parent, considering I'm the only child, and he still has his young and wild blood flowing through him. Meaning it would be as if a high schooler walked up to me and began to talk about sex when he did. I was six, yeah that's right six, when he decided to have the talk with me when my mom was gone shopping. He lead me away from my action figures, I didn't like dolls because they were creepy and to easy to brake, and took me to the dinner table. He then later explained everything, and I mean everything. I easily new more than the kids that were five years older than me. It was easy to say I was scarred for life that day." Okay. And anyways I thought that Hana was-" He cuts himself off and shrugs a little." Never mind." I squint at him and begin to wonder what he was saying. At the mention of Hana I make a note to tell her that he mentioned her.... After the bet is over." So there's nothing going on between with you all? Yet?"
I roll my eyes and raise up again, a smirk playing on my face as I realize I'm currently the same height as him sitting on this bed(I'm competitive when it comes to my height)." No and there never will be."
"Good but just in case I'm going to have to meet this boy... "
"What? Why?"
"To make sure he's good enough for my little princess obviously. Which I highly doubt anybody is but he might have a chance. Plus I don't want you hanging out with a boy that will cause trouble and steal my little girl away from me."

I raise an eyebrow up and fold my arms across my chest." So you don't want it to be somebody that is like you when you were my age?"
A grin forms on his lips as he chuckles at my attitude." Exactly."

"There isn't any signs of a concussion so your fine in that department. But I'd advice for you to stay away from anything that could cause a head injury because we don't need that kind of yours missing school now do we?" The doctor says with a smile and I just stare at him awkwardly. I never know what to say in these situations, and dad isn't helping considering he's just as awkward. The doctors runs his hand through his brown hair and glances between the two of us." Not a fan of doctors huh? Yelp, I'll help you and make this quick. Just keep ice on that bruise of yours to help it go away and your fine. But thank you for coming and checking anyways. Your free to go."

I nod and get off the little bed as my dad raises up from his chair. A grin cracks onto my lips as I remember what went down before the doctor came in...
"Oh my god! Stop! Stop!" I yell as my father tickles me, making me jerk and kick the sheet off the hospital bed.
"Not until you take it back!" He shouts over my laughter and keeps tickling my sides and hips. Those are seriously the only places where I'm ticklish. Laughter erupts from inside me as I push and shove his hands away, until finally I throw his hand back making him hit himself in the face. His eyes widen and so does mine before he grabs me by my waist and turns me into a headlock, messing my hair up with his knuckles.
"Not fair!" I whine out a elbow him in the chest, breaking me free from him, and run across the room . He begins to come after me and put me in another head lock when the sound of the doors lock sliding stops him in his tracks, both of us frozen as the doctors walks in. He glances at the Sheets that are now laying in the floor, my teased up hair that no doubt looks like a ball of yarn is on the top of my head, and his arm wrapped around my neck his knuckles frozen above my head.

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