Where Does This End?

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Chapter 24: Where Does This End? 

Kayden's POV 

Jamie and I both shifted, changing into our stowed away clothing. She was done before I was, and as I stood straight up, she stared up at me in fear. I only gave her a curt nod and held her soft hand gently, walking in front of her. We came out from our hidden tree spot and walked to the middle of the field, everybody still. Since this was California, I should have suspected Jamie would be in shorts and a white boho top. It looked good on her, but wasn't appropriate for this conversation, but I said nothing. 

"Ah, here come the Alphas of the Raven Thorn pack. What a lovely couple!" The Beta said aloud to his team and they all joined him in laughter. Ashton made his way to us, standing sideways to Jamie, blocking her even more than I already was. She rubbed her hand behind one of his rust colored ears, grabbing at the fur comfortingly. "And Jamie, lovely as ever. The hippie style suits you." 

A deep growl escaped from her throat, and you could tell she was ready to shift again. I squeezed her hand tighter, tugging slightly so she would be pressing against me, and she did, rubbing her cheek against my arm lovingly. 

"Where is your Alpha?" Jamie said. You could hear the newly grown authority in her voice. 

The Beta stepped closer, narrowing his eyes at her. "OUR Alpha, my love. He'll be here shortly," he said, smiling. 

"Stop this," I said loudly, so everyone around us could hear. "Your obsession with Jamie and her sister are over. You will stay away from my mate, and her family, do you understand?" Ashton grunted in agreement with me beside us. 

Jamie cringed at the mention of her dead sister, but she quickly passed it and continued to run her hand through Ashton's fur. I wasn't happy with their close bond, but he was my Beta, which meant more protection for her.

"You really don't understand how special she is," he said to us, staring directly at her. "Jellybean isn't your average wolf, Mr. Hall." 

Jamie stepped closer instantly, letting go of my hand, shouting. "You leave that out of this!" 

She was getting angry, but now I was curious. "What do you mean, not average?" 

The Beta smiled, a smug look on his face. "Her mother is human, if you already couldn't smell it on her." 

Jamie snarled and shifted, knocking Ashton out of her way accidently. He flew a few feet but landed on his legs. She charged at the man, but was cut short when two vampires ran at her sides and grabbed her, holding her. Her mother being mentioned made her snap, her amazing colored eyes now a black I've never seen before. They looked like mine. 

"Your mate is a very rare crossbreed. Humans can not conceive pups, Mr. Hall," he said a matter of factly. "White wolves aren't seen anymore. You can count their population on two hands these days. Haven't you ever wondered why our Alpha wants her so bad?" 

It all made sense now. Why her and her sister could shift, why she was white, how she was so strong. It all clicked in my mind, and I stared at my mates wolf, at her whimpering figure, being held down by vampires. How her changing eyes stared me down, scared and powerless yet longingly, like she regret shifting, she regret getting angry. 

The words came out of my mouth slowly, like I found the last piece to the Jamie puzzle. "She wasn't born a wolf," I said softly. 

"Ding ding ding! Look at our winner here!" 

Jonas, after all this, stepped forward and freed Jamie, knocking the vampires off of her. She nodded at him and stayed where she was. I don't know when he shifted, but he did, his human figure standing over her. He looked at me, ready to explain. "Beta Anderson, that's enough." 

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