Chapter 37. Academy - Inside

Start from the beginning

They were also interested in her friends. But those girls had proved hard to find, proving again their own talent and resourcefulness.

They still had hope of finding them, however. Or maybe being found by them.

"I have to say, her set of skill's is really impressive." Said Mr. Duncan. "I haven't seen an untrained member so skilled in a long time. And she is young yet, and has many opportunities to learn a lot more."

Mrs. Rose nodded her agreement with an expectant smile on her face. She would love to spend some time with the lovely bird, maybe take her to explore one cave, or two.

Mr. Bubbles ran his left hand over his suit once more, making sure there were no wrinkles marring its perfection.

He was very impressed by the girl too, but he felt rather uncomfortable with her current placing with the Blackbourne team.

"She needs to be put in an all bird team." He said.

Axel raised a single eyebrow at that. He knew that proposition wouldn't go well with the Blackbourne team. He seen the way those guys watched her and she them. They were a family already and wouldn't accept being separated.

Besides, if Sang Sorenson was to be placed in another team he hoped it was his. Although he suspected that would never come to be.

Mr. Duncan looked thoughtful before shaking his head. "No. there are reports mentioning she has a deep seated mistrust of females. If we want her to change teams it needs to be to another all dog one."

Mrs. Rose shook her head and started signing. "She doesn't accept it. The reports tell us about how she is already bonded to her family."

Mr. Bubbles frowned. He didn't like it. He had nothing against the Anderson team and some others in the academy. Over time polyamorous relationship had started to pop up amid their group and he wasn't against it.

Those families were clearly happy together, which made him happy too.

But it attracted some attention to them.

And he knew a family composed of nine dogs and one bird would attract a lot of attention. He felt compelled to insist she find another family. He needed her to do so in order to protect their secrets.

But he couldn't do that. It was selfish.

He was torn.

He shook his head. "We can't make a decision until we meet with them personally." Turning to Mr. Duncan he said. "Call their leader and ask for an introduction. It's been long enough."

Standing from his chair he fixed his tie and said goodbye to his peers before walking out of the office. Leaving the building he looked up to the dark sky, trying to find a single star in the night even though he knew he wouldn't be able to see them in the light of the city.

He comforted himself, thinking that even if he couldn't see them it didn't mean they weren't there.


The sound of fingers taping rapidly in the keyboard fills the room with an almost rhythmic cadence.

Victor was so focused on the display monitor that he didn't even notice his typing sounded like a melody. The music coming from so deep a place on his soul that it was already a part of him, displayed in his every move.

That is what Sang did with them. Made them stronger, truer to themselves.

For years Victor was forced to play the piano and that obligation was slowly killing his love for music, but the return of his Princess was enough to awaken that side of him once more.

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