Chapter Four.

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-Avoidant personality disorder: fear of being noticed.

THE REST of her class periods went by in a blur. Since she wasn't too keen on paying attention to what was being taught in any of the them to begin with, she found that tuning everything and everyone out was the best option that she had.

At last, When the final bell rang, Winter wasted no time silently thanking God that the day was done and jumping up from out of her stiff metal chair. She hastily swiped away some of the wavy blue strands of hair that had fallen in her face back into place, and gathering up her supplies. She stuffed her binder not-so-gently back into her bag and thought over what she was going to do when she got home after work. Usually, she would shower, heat up a hot pocket and call it a day. But today she felt like doing something different. Something... out of the ordinary. She just didn't know what. Not yet, at least.

As she tossed her backpack strap over her shoulder, someone bumped into her back and stepped on the backs of her shoes. It forced her forward, causing her stomach to ram itself into the blunt corner part of the desk.

"Ow!" she yelled.

There was a snickering behind her. She whipped her head around and glared at her assaulter. Whoever thought that it would be a good idea to try to get a rise out of was an idiot. She could understand if it was an accident, but judging by the slight laughter and the lack of an apology told her that the person wasn't the least bit sorry.

She almost choked and laughed at the same time when she saw who it was.

Alek Grayson.

He was like the typical bad boy. Seventeen years old with a chip on his shoulder. A heart breaking, weight lifting, your-daughter-calls-me-daddy-too type of guy that everyone warned some stupid girl about who manages to get caught up in his web of extreme bad boyness and slick smiles. He was exactly what she prided herself on avoiding at all costs. It's not like she had a very big social life to be in the position to talk to a guy as cool and... Daring, if that be the right word, as him in the first place. But it was the principal of the thing.
But now here he was.

A bad boy apple just ready for the picking standing not even a foot away from her.

How revolting.

Winter quirked her eyebrow at him and crossed her arms over her chest. How he even found pushing her into the desk was funny, despite how asshole-like it was, validates that he is nothing but a no good butt face who didn't understand how to treat a girl properly.

"Is there something I can help you with? Or do you always find yourself running into girls for no apparent reason."

He raised his eyebrows up in mild surprise, slightly taken aback, before settling his face back into his usual cool guy exterior.

"Just didn't know how else to get your attention, is all," he said with a half smile. His lip was raised up slightly, a silent little challenge in its own to dare her not to swoon over him just yet. That this is just a small piece of the double chocolate fudge cake, and she wouldn't be able to handle the rest of it even if she was an expert chocolate enthusiast.

It made her feel sick.

"And why on earth would you feel the need to get my attention?" she choked out. He had never paid attention to her before. No one has really paid much attention to her before. Not anyone like him at least. And that was a good thing. She didn't need a no good heart breaking bad boy to come into her life and fuck everything up.

No thank you.

Alek shrugged his shoulders once, yet his smile grew wider. Winter nervously secured her backpack straps around her shoulders. She had a feeling that it would be time for her to make a sudden disappearance very soon.

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