"It's not like I wanted to be rude to you." He mumbled.

    "Why were you then?" This starting to make me mad, very mad. I can't believe he had the audacity to do that.

    "Because I was told that if I took any chance on telling you how I felt that I would be seriously injured."

"And who why would that matter?"  I questioned with a raised eyebrow, still slightly confused as to what he saying.

              "Because your brother could put me in a coma with a single punch. Sky, don't be insecure. No one should be insecure, we all have our differences, and preferences, but that doesn't mean we aren't all beautiful in our own ways. Looking in that mirror searching for flaws is not going to prove anything. You've only seen yourself twice, taking a picture and looking at the image and staring in the mirror and looking at your reflection. You don't see the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you love. You never see how beautiful you look when you really smile. It's honestly so sad that we don't see ourselves when we really look our best." The tone in his voice was one I have never heard from him, a tone of sincerity.

              "What makes you say that?"

             "We all have our insecurities. Some are just better at hiding them, sometimes they just build walls to hide them. But that doesn't mean that they don't have them." 

              "That's a good point, Mitch." I looked him in the eye, "So what do you have to hide then?"

             He chuckled, shaking his head, "Now that would take the fun out of you finding that out yourself. How about after practice we go grab a bite to eat and you can start trying to figure that out?"

             "I would love too but 1, I have to take my brother home. And 2, how am I supposed to trust you after how you've treated me before?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

              "Remember the walls." He hinted, "Plus, you can drop your brother off and then meet up with me."

             I let out a heavy breath, "Okay."

             -Three Years Later-

I walked down the empty halls of the large school during third period, heading to the washroom.

Walking into the bathroom I noticed an underclassman, most likely a freshman, staring at herself in the mirror. I didn't say anything to her, I just walked into a stall. As I walked back out too wash my hands I noticed she was still there. While washing my hands I decided to speak up,

"You know, the mirror doesn't really show you what everyone else sees."

"What do you mean?" She looked at me with wide eyes, almost as though she didn't expect me to say anything to her.

"Someone once put it this way for me," I recited word for word as Mitchell had said to me during our freshman year, "so don't put too much thought into what that mirror shows, it can't show the inner you."

"Um, thank you. I really did need that. You know, I was planning on ending it all today after school. But I don't think I can, not now." She pulled me into a hug, "thank you."

"You're very welcome. I'm Skyler by the way." I smiled as she pulled away.

"I'm Paige." She smiled, a true smile, the type of smile that makes the person's eyes brighten.

I walked out of the washroom and back to the classroom.

The closer it got to lunch break the harder it got to concentrate, all I could think of was thanking Mitch again. When the bell finally rang I was the first up, an out the door.

"Thank you." I mumbled into Mitch's chest, wrapping my arms around him as soon as I reached his locker.

"And where is this coming from?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me as well.

"I talked to a girl today, and told her what you told me," I pulled away from his grasp slowly, "it just made me want to thank you again."

Walking to the cafeteria all I could think of was how far we had all come. Mitchell and I started dating last year. We about to graduate, I was accepted to the University of Toronto. Mitch and most of the other boys on the team were starting on the London Knights or Erie Otters, some on other teams, in October.

I had developed meaningful relationships with some other students, Mitch included.

    It definitely took a lot for me to trust him after everything but it has been worth it so far. Since that time at the rink he has helped me try to get over my insecurities, and now, with all my new, true friends, and new outlook on life,  I couldn't be happier.


So this is the short story I wrote for class. this can stand alone, or I will be writing a story going into detail of the relation ship so feel free to read that also. :)


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