Adrianna (Chapter 1)

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I'm not exactly a freshman in this school. I joined last year. But high school's different. I managed to make a few friends. It's not like I'm popular, but I'm not a bullying target either. Guess I'm in the middle.
But things have started escalating since last year. That's when Lara told me her secret. She said if I told anyone, she would lie about me, spread rumours.

Our group was small, four people, if you include Lara and me. The other two, Kate and Megan, were more into themselves. So that left me and Lara. We became best friends. She trusted me and told her secret.

She said that nobody knew. At least I thought so.

But the truth is that she told someone else. Maybe she didn't. But somebody was threatening her and she blamed me. I kept saying that I hadn't uttered a word but she didn't believe me.

I don't know who she told the secret to but I'm sure of one thing, if she told it to somebody I know, then that person's the reason why Lara's going crazy.
I am going to take revenge. Lara's under medication now. Only because somebody repeated and threatened her with her secret.

Now she's blaming me for it. I'm no longer welcome at her home. I need to prove myself. Her condition's worsening. I need to do something now. Before it's too late.

I have promised myself to find out the truth tonight.

Tonight, when all the girls of our highschool shall swoon over the boys, the truth will be told.

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