Chapter 25

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German's POV

We finally kissed!
I couldn't hold my feelings anymore...

When i kissed her, she kissed back, so that means that she feels something,too...

After about 5 minutes, we broke the kiss and she spoke up...

-"Well that was amazing"-she said smiling.

-"I know...Did you feel what i felt?"-i asked.

-"I definitely did"-she said blushing.

-"Angie you know how much i love you?"

-"German..."-she said with a sad smile.

-"i really want us to be together, but we can't, and I can't tell you why..."

I wonder what's the reason...

-"Angie you know you can tell me anything..."- I said while caressing her cheek.

-"But are you sure you won't get mad?"-she asked.

Is it that serious?

-"I will try not to but I don't promise"-i said laughing.

Angie's POV

I think it's time to tell German the truth...

-"German, I'm Maria's sister, Angeles"-i said nervously.

-"W-what?"-he said sadly.

-"German, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you from the first day, I was really afraid that you will take Violetta away from me again"-i said

-"I don't believe it Angie, all that feelings that i had for you, I feel that it's gone. I mean why did you lie, you could've told me the same day you came, maybe i was going to make a problem but I wasn't going to bad like this..."-he said, and i saw tears coming from his eyes...

I feel really bad for what i did...
Now i lost the man that i really love...

After he said that, he left me there alone, and went somewhere else, probably home...

But I couldn't go now, I don't want to make things worse...

German's POV

I can't believe this!
The woman i love, turned out to be my sister in law...
I felt that we could be something, you know...
But as you can see, i left her alone there and i came home...
I wonder what she's doing right now...
I shouldn't have left her there, I'm an idiot!

I entered my office and locked myself up...
I feel disappointed, tricked, and sad...
When we kissed today, i felt something that i never felt after Maria...
I really missed that feeling, and i want to feel it again, but i think that it won't happen again...

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