Chapter 20

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-"Vilu, i know that you don't want anyone to replace your mother, and you know how much i loved you want to know something about her?"-i asked

-"Of course dad, is that even a question? Of course i do!"-she said laughing.

-"okay, when i first met your mother, she was 17 and we were at a party, from the minute I saw her, I couldn't stop staring at her, i loved her from the first moment i saw her..."-i told her

-"oh dad, you never talk about that about mom, i love you so much"-she said and hugged me.

-"i love you too"-i hugged her back.

-"but dad, you didn't answer my question. Do you like Angie?"- she asked.

-"To be honest Vilu, yes i love her, but I don't know if she likes me back, and you know, she reminds me so much of your mother"-i said smiling.

-"i have an idea dad, i can help you with that"

-"Vilu, Vilu, when did you grow up?"

-"i know more than you think dad"- she said.

-"what do you mean by that Vilu?"-i asked confused.

-"nothing"-she answered fastly.

-"so what's your plan?"-i asked her.

I don't believe that I'm using the help of my daughter in something like this.
When did she grow up? It happened so fast...

-"okay dad, I can make her admit her feelings towards you, and i will tell her that you like her, deal?"

-"deal"- i said laughing.

-"but dad i need a favor. Can I please go to a music school? Please?"-she asked me persuasively.


-"please dad!"- she said.

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