Chapter 19

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Just as i was about to tell her the truth, German came in...
Not again!
I thought that this was the perfect time to tell her the truth, but German ruined it...

-"oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt"-he said while still holding the door knob.

-"Dad, I'm really sorry for how i reacted  earlier, do you forgive me?"-she said smiling.

-"How could i not forgive you Vilu"- he came closer and they hugged each other.

-"Angie you can join too"- Vilu said, she noticed me smiling and looking at them.

-"I love you guys"-Vilu said.

-"we love you too"- German said.

I love them very much.They're my family and I'm so happy that i found them...

-"So ladies, how about we go to a nice dinner tomorrow?"- German said smiling.

-"I love the idea dad"- Vilu said

-"i would be glad to"- I answered.

-"oh Angie, you were going to tell me something"-Vilu reminded

-"oh yeah, it's nothing"- i said

-"okay, i have to go to my room. Thanks German for the dinner, and good night to both of you"-i said

-"good night"-they both said on the same time and laughed.

German's POV

-"Dad can i ask you something?"- Vilu asked me.

-"yeah sure darling, what is it?"

-"Do you like Angie? Is there something going on between you two?"-she asked

What will i tell her?
I love Angie , and i want to be with her, but I don't know if she likes me too, and sometimes i feel that she likes me, but what will i tell Vilu now?

First Time-GermangieWhere stories live. Discover now