Chapter 4: No One Likes Being Alone

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I walked into my English class looking down at the floor, knowing that if I looked up, my eyes would aim straight towards him. I also didn't want to make eye contact with Mr. Bush, who was seemingly on a mission to ruin my life.

I look over at Janet's seat and she's there; her face is completely flushed, her eyes low and her hair in a messy ponytail. I sit beside her and give her a confused look.

"What's with the...?" I gesture at her... everything.

"Car sex," she whispers, laughing. "I don't look like complete shit do I?"

I tried to stop myself from making a face. "You look fine," I answered back.

She nodded. "Can't wait to give you all the details," she squeals.

I gave her an awkward grin before turning towards the teacher. I didn't really want to hear about her sexcapades with Joshua; it just made me uncomfortable. I was more confused about why she made it so obvious to... anyone that she just had sex.

"You should probably wear your hair down," I say, pointing at my neck, making a gesture at the bright pink love mark on hers.

She shrugs. "It's really not that big of a deal. I have like five more, going down my--"

I put my hand up before she can finish. "Thanks," I say immediately. "And what do you do if you get caught?"

"I won't," she shrugs. "Oh, by the way, Joshua wants to take me to that pizza place around the corner during lunch, so I won't be able to sit with you."

I give her a shaky smile, reassuring her, even though I basically have the day to myself again.

"Thanks, I owe you," she winks at me before Mr. Bush tells us to quiet down.

During class I tried my best to ignore Marcus, but I kept finding myself glancing at him whenever I got the chance. I couldn't stop thinking about him being in my dream.

During a silent reading, I take another chance to peek at him again, but this time his eyes are looking right back at me. My face heats up and I immediately look away.

Oh God, he caught me catching glances at him. Wait... what?

Why was he looking back at me?

I force my eyes not to travel back to where he sits as I mentally freaked out. I felt my face blushing like crazy and I couldn't stop my mind from racing even though I knew I was blowing things out of proportion.

Soon, my curiosity got the best of me and I looked over to him again, and he was still looking at me, more intently this time. My eyes widened at him and I found myself almost swooning at his attractiveness.

I gave him a confused look before he gave me the index finger to "hold on".

I bit my lip and nod.

He gave me a half smile which made my heart thump.

I thought for a second, if this was the feeling Janet had been going on and on about.

It took me to realize that my thoughts were distracting me from everything Mr. Bush was teaching; I'd completely tuned him out and ended up flunking a pop quiz on the subject.

After class, Janet literally darted over to Joshua and started kissing him wildly before a frantic teacher immediately warned them about PDA policies.

I made a face and rolled my eyes before turning around, only to see Marcus standing behind me, his face only inches away from mine (just like my dream). I gasp and instantly hold in my breath to keep from panting; my heart is hammering against my chest.

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