I should really Face Palm myself

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"Well I mean we can stand here all day staring at each other-" He pauses and looks me up and down, checking me out. "Or we can start training."  He suggest with a smug look.  Gabriel just went from a 10 to 0. Maybe even -1. What a major perv. I've seen pervs all through my school and they're all dumb to me.

"Perv." I spit out at him and shove him away. I rush down the amazing hall and ignore his shouts of plea. It was as if the more i pretend that he's a mute, the less I hear him. After about a minute I didn't hear anything at all.

I turn around to see that his mouth is moving, yet nothing is coming out. Rude. Now he's making seem like I'm deaf.

"Jerk!" I shout at him, fiercely marching down the hall. I have no idea where I am going, yet that doesn't stop me. It defiantly doesn't make me go back for help.

How dumb could I be to look into those eyes and see anything?

Not really focusing on my surroundings, again, I run into someone.

"What? What now?" I whine and check to see who ran into this time.

"Well uh sorry." The mystery silver haired guy apologizes, raising his hands. 

I sigh in defeat. Which is worst? My last situation, where I was continuously shot at. Or this unknowing place, where I know nothing at all. I just feel like hiding. I may be stuck with a two hotties and one of them as a perv, I just want peace. That is all I wanted for so long.

"No, I'm sorry." I reply in defeat. "Take me to your leader" I say, trying to bring the mood up. I bring my hand up with my pinkie and ring finger stuck together and my middle and pointer finger together, while my thumb sticks out.

He chuckles at my silliness. He looks my in the eyes, a sideways smile on his face.

"I can tell when I see defeat. Lets go before people think you ran." He responds and grabs my arm and pulls me through a door I hadn't seen before. 

I follow, not caring where I end up. Honestly, I always do. But at this point, I just have to abide by whatever the tell me to do. A plan will form eventually.

"You got this, oh and I'm Jack." He whispers, encouraging me.

I didn't have time before I was pulled into a room. The room seems to be a dinning room, but the table is humongous.

Plates line across the entire table, never ending it seems.

"Finally." A feminine voice, husky on the curves, irrupts my moment of desire.

I look over to see Kylsta's mom giving me the stink eye. Ouch. What did I do this early. I look down at my tight black outfit. Maybe that's it. 

"I guess you know now," She states randomly with a eye roll. 

I'm guessing she's replying to the way i looked at my new "outfit".  With being boxed out from society, it brings insecurity. So looking at myself, especially in this tiny outfit, I feel... I know  I'm ugly. I try to simply ignore her words and the scrutiny around me. I look over the people in front of me and stare at the extravagant dinner table. I slowly walk to it, moving past the different people. I guess once they realized i wasn't paying attention to them, everyone sat down. Some of the people i didn't know. Their was even a little girl and boy that I've never seen before.  

Realizing how many people are there, I rush for a seat. I hunt for a seat, but i only find one. 

"I saved you a seat." Gabriel states with a smirk, leaning back in his chair.  He swings his arm to the back of the chair. I check the rest of the table, yet all i see is people staring at me weird. Sighing, I sit with a plop. 

As i rest back in my chair, attempting to get comfortable, Gabriel sits back in his seat as if he's nervous. I check his body poster and he's shrunken in his chair, not looking at my direction at all.

"What's your problem?" I questioning him, not realizing how rude i sound. I'm still mad at him for his pervert move earlier. 

He turns to face me, the look of confusion. I stare at him worriedly. 

"Huh?" He obliviously ask. "Oh nothing." He finishes once it had clicked on what i had asked. He adds a shrug, facing the table again. 

The doors open with a boom, followed by a bunch of people with trays in their hands. I simply stare with amaze, my mouth wide open.

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